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How to Do Rabbit Pose

Yoga | Yoga Poses

Hello hello, my dear friends of the DOYOU community! It feels so great to be back after a long while. I was gone for a good reason: I became a mother! Yay! However, I missed sharing my tips and tricks of these yoga poses with you guys! So I can’t wait a minute longer to contribute this week's pose.

I chose Rabbit Pose or Sasangasana because it's been helping me stretch the appropriate muscles from holding my daughter. But not only is Rabbit a good pose for the mothers with newborns out there, I found that when I was in college, oftentimes I was drawn to this pose because of the constant slouching from studying for those midterms.

So if you’re someone who is finding your shoulders creeping up towards your ears instead of backing down away from them, this pose can help alleviate that tension. Let’s get into it shall we?

The Benefits

After being in this posture, you can immediately feel the tension your neck, shoulders, and back dissipate. It’s an inverse of Camel Pose. I’ve written an article about how to do Camel Pose. Just click here for more info!

Rabbit also feeds the nervous system with fresh blood and oxygen. It rejuvenates thyroid and parathyroid glands, balancing and regulating your body’s metabolism and calcium. This pose aids in digestion and alleviates cold and sinus symptoms.

Rabbit strengthens the abdomen, creating space in between as well as stimulating the intervertebral discs of the whole spine, ensuring proper alignment. Emotionally, it helps in depression and insomnia. Opening the back of the heart chakra, Rabbit helps you release the tendency of taking the responsibility of other people's problems.

Rabbit Pose Step-By-Step

  1. Let’s begin by sitting on your heels. Exhale all the air out and grab your heels with back of the hands facing out, so thumbs outside, fingers inside.
  2. Engage your core and round down, placing the TOP of your head on the ground towards your knees so that your forehead is touching your knees.
  3. Lift your hips high, rolling forward like a wheel until your elbows are locked, feeling this wonderful opening of the back of the heart.
  4. Inhale, pull on your heels with a firm grip of your hands and exhale, go deeper. Ahhh…
  5. Stay here for at least 5 breaths, and slowly come up the same way you came in. Inhale, and roll up one vertebrae at a time, chin and head comes up last, releasing the hands.


You shouldn’t be feeling too much pressure on your head here, but if you do, try grabbing lower on your feet. Also, draw your shoulders away from your ears and make the proper adjustments so that the crown of the head is on the floor, not the back of the head. We don’t want you to injure your neck.

A variation is instead of holding onto your heels, lace your fingers together behind your back, and as you lower your head down, reach your hands towards the sky.

As always, if you have any more questions or comments please leave them below. I’m so excited to be back and can’t wait to send you guys and gals more love from the poses of the week.

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