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Embrace The Slow Life: 7 Days of Free Yoga

Yoga | Yoga for Beginners

Want to know what the best thing about slowing down is? That time seems to slow down as well. When your mind and body start to turn down the pace, it’s as if time stretches open and life becomes way less crunchy and tense and so much sweeter and full of possibility.

Let’s just get this out of the way now: I’m a big fan of the slow life. 

I walk slowly (most of the time), meditate daily, take a lot of savasana breaks (on random floors) and enjoy the deep inward nature of a good Yin pose.

I think so many of us spend way too much time going fast. Sure, I’m game for a “jumpy-pumpy” sweat-sesh every now and then, but what I’ve found is that I’m better served emotionally, physically, and spiritually when my yoga practice is taken down a notch and made über mindful.

In my classes and in my own practice, I enjoy not only asana (physical poses), but also the art of practicing with intention. I dive into yogic philosophy, various pranayama practices (i.e. breathing), meditation, chakra tuning and other stuff that I think is way too interesting and helpful to leave out.

I love to take all of this amazing yogic wisdom and wrap it up in an accessible, inclusive and happy way. That’s what I’ve tried to do in the 7 Day Home Yoga Retreat that I created alongside my pals here at DOYOU.

Your (FREE!) 7 Day Home Yoga Retreat!

I’ve created seven mini classes for you to do at home. Think of it as your own little retreat. Set up your space, make it special and enjoy cultivating your own inner peace with the help of a trusted friend and teacher (that’s me!).

Expect slow-flows, juicy Yin poses, meditation, deep breaths, and spontaneous smiles. If you read that sentence and only understood the part about the spontaneous smiles, fear not. I’ll explain everything as we go.

1. Stretch your bodacious bod.

Each day of the retreat is centered around a theme. Usually it’s a physical focus paired with an intention. I want you to walk away from each class feeling more open, less tense, and maybe even a little stronger too.

Through my work as a Yoga Lifestyle Coach I’ve witnessed just how powerful connecting into the sensations and rhythms of the body is. My hope is that in slowing down, you’ll be able to experience your body on a deeper level.

2. Declutter your mind.

Through meditation, breathing and concentration, I’m hoping you’ll drop some of the life-overwhelm and leave our classes feeling much more focused and clear.

My personal meditation practice is one of the foundations of my life. It helps me get centered, let go of negative thoughts, and understand myself on a deeper level. Through a touch of meditation in each of our classes, I’m hoping to give you a glimpse into this space of potentiality.

3. Make your soul smile (and your face, too).

I’m a spiritual and soulful teacher. There’s no way around it! What I can guarantee though is that I teach in an accessible, fun and inclusive way. I once had a teacher (a university professor, actually) who said, “I offer you a buffet. Eat what you like.”

That’s how I approach both being a teacher and a student. I’ll encourage you to explore, push your boundaries, and find out what works for you.

Let’s practice yoga together 🙂

I’m hoping that together we can broaden your yoga horizons by trying stuff that goes beyond the physical. I want your life to be richer and sweeter as a result of our time together. I want to touch on lots of different parts of this wisdom tradition called yoga and get you feeling calm, centered, stretched, and happy.

If you’re not signed up yet, jump in now. You’ll get a ten minute class to your inbox every day starting on the 20th of June. It’s totally free and suitable for all levels, from newbies to teachers alike. I can’t wait to practice with you. Questions? Ask away in the comments below.

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