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5 Foods That Are Perfect For DIY Beauty Treatments At Home

Food | Lifestyle

Once again, I am here to dethrone the myth that DIY beauty is difficult and time consuming. In fact, it is so accessible and simple that you probably have the below items in your kitchen pantry to get gorgeous right now! Here are 5 items from your pantry that are perfect for DIY beauty treatments at home.

1. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Known for its endless health benefits when consumed, its often overlooked for its DIY beauty properties. Moisturizing, hypoallergenic, firming and packed with anti-oxidants such as vitamin E & vitamin A, extra virgin olive oil naturally stimulates skin cells to reverse free-radical damage and keeps the skin hydrated. As a moisturizer, as a make-up remover or as a hair mask, the possibilities with extra virgin olive oil are endless!

2. Pure Cane Sugar

A gentle and perfect exfoliator that leaves our skin soft, supple and sweet (no pun intended)! I prefer it to sea salt since it will not burn if you may have any abrasions on your skin. Mix the sugar with an oil of your choice (almond, jojoba, olive, etc), a bit of honey and a few drops of essential oils for an inexpensive yet effective body scrub.

A quick tip: I always carry around Vaseline so I can have a lip scrub on-the-go at anytime. All you need is to find the nearest café, get a small brown sugar packet, mix it with some Vaseline and use it as a lip scrub. Instant plump & kissable lips!

3. Lemons

Lemons are probably one of the most versatile fruits for D.I.Y. beauty. They have been used for centuries in relieving stress, health and beauty remedies. A natural astringent, this citrus powerhouse is loaded with vitamin C, anti-oxidants and beauty minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and magnesium to name a few. Mix lemon juice with mineral water to lighten yellow nails or dip half a lemon in cane sugar to scrub feet and elbows to remove dead skin.

4. Honey

Also known as ‘liquid gold’ because of the infinite benefits it provides for our skin, it is also anti-bacterial, anti-aging, hydrating and soothing. Use it as a facemask for sensitive and dehydrated skin. It will leave our skin looking radiant and glowing! Honey can also be used in body scrubs (described above!)

5. Green Tea

As we all know, green tea is a huge source of antioxidants for our bodies and have cancer-fighting properties when consumed. When topically applied, green tea also has amazing beauty benefits. The most active antioxidant in green tea is called catechin. Catechin helps regulate acne as it has anti-bacterial properties. It also rejuvenates old skin cells at the end of their life cycle, so long term use improves the elasticity of the skin. Additionally, the caffeine in green tea helps to reduce inflammation and puffiness. Brew some and use it as a toner with a squeeze of lemon juice or your favorite essential oils. Recycle used tea bags as eye masks for puffy eyes.

Our pantries are full of beauty tricks, we just need to get a bit creative! I hope this article has inspired you to give DIY beauty a try 🙂

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