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Corepower Yoga – What’s the Buzz About?

Types of Yoga | Yoga

Corepower Yoga is actually a westernized version of the Indian Ashtanga Yoga. When yoga first crossed over to Western shores, it was found that some did not see yoga as appealing as an intensive workout in the gym or in the aerobics studio. Western folks hold a different prioritization when it comes to health and lifestyle. While Eastern practitioners do yoga because of the spiritual workout it provides for them, Western practitioners are more attracted to those exercises that can make them work up a sweat and feel good about their body, and ultimately, themselves.

What's In a Name?

The name Corepower Yoga was coined by an Ashtanga Yoga instructor, Beryl Bender Birch. Followers of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, acclaimed Sanskrit scholar, were the ones responsible for importing the practice into Western shores. As the name implies, this type of yoga focuses on core strength, particularly the abdomens. Corepower Yoga, like Bikram, is practiced in a heated room to further facilitate the flexibility of the muscles. This leads to a strengthening of the cardiovascular muscle, and helps detoxify the body by sweating out thoroughly.

Three Cores of Corepower Yoga

Apart from focusing on core strength, Corepower Yoga also helps develop overall body strength, as well as attain spiritual strength. To achieve overall body strength, the program taps into back muscles, as well as the hips and pelvic regions. The postures for this particular program of Corepower Yoga are designed to unleash one's athletic power. It is tough, no doubt, especially if you are not used to warming up and pushing your muscles into postures you would not otherwise do on a normal day. But that's just one of the challenges of Corepower Yoga, as another module of the program is designed to focus on spiritual strength. This is achieved by highlighting the solid connection between the mind and the body. As with other types of yoga, utmost focus and concentration are necessary in order to be able to make the most out of a session. Once the practitioner finds this balance between movement and mental focus, then the goals of yoga are met.

Benefits of Corepower Yoga

If you are into other kinds of physical activities such as Athletics, then doing Corepower Yoga would be a good addition to your workout regime because of all the muscle-toning exercises included in its program. Breathing coordination as well as detoxification are also known results, on top of other common benefits of yoga.

For those of you who are thinking of joining a yoga class but cannot decide which one is the right one for you, then make sure to align your needs with what the program can do for you. If you are looking to develop your core strength, and are looking for something that can satisfy your need for an intense workout, consider taking Corepower Yoga. It just might be the thing you've been looking for.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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