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19 Amazing Yoginis Who Don’t Care What You Think

Happiness | Lifestyle

For the past few years the yoga world has truly come together to celebrate and honor the inner beauty of yogis rather than just their looks or ability to strike an advanced pose.

This has caused all of us to reevaluate what true beauty is and honor all aspects of this deep and rich practice. Here are 19 of the badass women helping to reshape the false image of what a yogi is “supposed” to look like.

1. Deb Roach (@debzillah)

She’s a one-armed, badass yogi, pole dance and yoga instructor, and inspirational speaker rolled into one. While her feed is not filled with yoga asana photos, they do show glimpses of how she lives her life in a way that is truly inspirational.

2. Malea (@malea_yogia)

Malea is a wife, mother, and yoga instructor whose IG feed is an inspiration to everyone who feels they won’t have time for a yoga practice. Her feed has awesome inversion photos as well as tutorials, check it out!

3. Yulady Saluti (@yulady)

We often forget that behind every beautiful yoga photo is a real, human person with their own life stories and struggles. Yulady kicks ass being a breast cancer survivor and how she powered through living with an ostomy (see photo above), reminding us all that nothing trumps being honest with yourself and others.

4. Cami Cote (@yogacami)

 Credit: Andrea J. Bell

500-RYT Cami is all about self-acceptance and living healthy. Her posts are beautiful reminders to not let anyone or anything define you or your yoga practice, and that yoga is for absolutely everyone.

5. Gretchen P. (@pesekgp)

Gretchen takes a very down-to-earth approach to sharing her yoga journey and practice, and posts asana tips and videos for beginners.

6. Annie Carlin (@supportiveyoga)

As her Instagram handle implies, Annie’s goal as a teacher is to guide her students into self-acceptance and make them feel they have a safe place to explore and practice yoga.

7. @justsmileandnodyoga

If you ever feel like you’re not “good enough” for yoga, this yogini’s Instagram feed is a good place to get inspired and be reminded that yoga is a practice. Check her out and you can get ideas on pose modifications and how to use props.

8. Omega Jefferson (@phatgirlyoga)

Just like most of us, Omega also struggled with body image — that is, until she found yoga. Why should you follow her? Let’s hear it from Omega herself: ” I am every woman, a real person who will no longer be held back by some narrow view of what it is to be beautiful, healthy and whole.”

9. Kristy Rae (@ambivalentmind)

Kristy Rae is ‘us’ in so many ways, but the one thing about her we all should follow is to not subscribe to anyone else’s standards or opinion on what you can and can’t do. As she puts it, #effyourbeautystandards.

10. Amber Karnes (@amber_karnes)

Amber Karnes is among the well-known, amazing yogis who are doing their work (personally and professionally) to bring body positivity in yoga to the forefront. Definitely check out her feed for some life and yoga inspiration!

11. Emily Nolan (@iamemilynolan)

Emily went through 10 years of disordered eating, body dysmorphic disorder, and even plastic surgery and she has gained valuable, share-worthy lessons along the way. If you need inspiration on how to live life fully with intention (and humor!), we highly recommend you check her out.

12. @kaym86

Here’s a nugget of wisdom from this curvy vegan yogi: “If you cultivate inner peace, no matter what path you find yourself on you’ll still be able to enjoy the scenery. After all, nothing shapes your journey more than your attitude.”

13. @nappybeautylove

Think you’re too big/heavy/weak/inflexible to do yoga inversions? If so, you need a dose of positivity and practice inspiration from this amazing yogini who has dedicated her life to yoga and staying healthy not just to look good, but to feel good.

14. Dana Falsetti (@nolatrees)

After the binge eating, depression and anxiety, Dana came to yoga as a last resort to find peace in mind, body, and soul. “I thought my body would limit my practice, but eventually I learned that only my mind sets limits.” AMEN!

15. Valeria Sagun (@biggalyoga)

200-RYT Valeria is all about self-love and acceptance, body positivity, and the kind of yoga practice that truly transforms you inside and out. Check out her feed for asana tutorials and good ol’ yoga inspo.

16. Joshay (@jfindsyoga)

Joshay is a 200-hour Registered Yoga Teacher who found self-love and acceptance, a feeling that “slowly freed me from negative self-talk and I started to embrace my body as it was.”

17. Dana Sutherland (@unabridged_me)

Every practice is personal, and this self-taught yogi is a reflection of the common experience of discovering yoga and trying it out on your own and realizing just how positively it can change your life.

18. Luecretia (@esoteric_eunoia)

You don’t always get to see the behind-the-scenes of IG yoga photos, but that’s exactly what Luecretia does — serving as an inspiration that yoga is all about progress and practice, not perfection.

19. Brigitte Neves (@gigiyogini)

Brigitte’s approach to yoga is different in the sense that there is no weight loss goal; instead, her goal as a body positive yoga teacher is to make you healthy and comfortable with your body.

These women truly embody the true meaning of dedication, passion, fearlessness, strength and beauty. Teaching all of us how to bring their beautiful qualities back into our own practice and live a more centered, healthy and empowered life.

Are there amazing yoginis and yogis on social media who inspire you? Share your thoughts below!

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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