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8 Boot Camp Yoga Poses For Kick Ass Confidence, Energy, And Endurance

Yoga | Yoga Poses

Confidence looks and feels great on everyone; it makes you feel good, and it makes those around you feel ridiculously comfortable around you. Why? Because happiness is out of this world contagious!

“Practicing yoga blends the physical bonus of gaining strength and an attractive figure with the self-confidence that your body type is perfect and made just for you.” – Kathryn Budig

Yoga lets you sculpt, mold, and tone your entire body using just your own body weight.

And the perks don’t stop here. The strengthening moves within yoga also stretch you out, so you are elongating your muscles at the same time that you’re toning them. Not to mention creating a calmer, more grounded and inspired place from which to live the life you love.

Applying It To Your Relationships

Postures that strengthen your back will improve your ability to move and thrust without cramping or fatigue. Hip-opening postures increase the blood flow, kick stress to the curb and allow for a greater range of motion.

Core strengtheners help you to sit, stand, fold, and bounce longer and stronger. Quite simply, more yoga equals more energy, which means even more self-confidence and playfulness. This leads to more energy and endurance, which can translate into all areas of your lives including building stronger relationships, and consequently, more (and better) sex!

Become The Most Confident Version of You

Yoga is one of the simplest ways in which to build your self-confidence and to feel empowered. That is the beauty of yoga – it doesn’t just build a beautiful and strong body; it also teaches you how to be the strongest, most confident, and compassionate version of yourself.

When we love ourselves, we radiate positive energy to those around us, so get ready to find yourself surrounded by people who just ooze positivity and good vibes.

Below are my recommended yoga poses that can be added to your favorite sequence, or made into a sequence that will help to sculpt that perfect derriere, core, shoulders, or wherever you want to focus your energies.

Be prepared to feel the burn, and reap the rewards of being the most energetic, strong, and confident kick-ass yogi or yogini around!

Forearm Plank

forearm plankYoga in general is full of core-strengthening asanas, but this pose cuts straight to the chase.

It has the added benefit of strengthening the shoulders and upper back as well. Guaranteed to make you feel strong, confident and sexy after holding for up to 60 seconds at a time!


swivelerA fabulously hard yoga pose, but oh-SO-good for so many places in the body – especially the booty!

Come to 3-legged Downward Dog withright foot flexed, hips parallel to the ground.Turn toes to the right and bring leg directly out to side at hip height, keeping leg parallel to floor.

Hold for 5 counts. Feel the burn!

Chair Pose

chairThis pose translates to ‘fierce pose’ from Sanskrit. So start your morning out with power, and feel it carry you throughout your day.It will also give you buns of steel!

To increase the challenge, try the twisting chair pose by taking your hands to heart center and twisting to the right so that your left tricep meets the outside of your right thigh. Then move to the other side for 5 breaths. This will work your obliques like crazy.

Warrior Two

W2Warrior 2 connects us to the absolute power that resides within our bodies, as it reaches every single muscle and joint to keep us strong like a warrior.

This is an excellent pose to restore a feeling of power and confidence, while shaping and toning the entire body, leaving you with a sexy shape and confident posture.

Warrior Three

w3This is one of my favorite strength-buildingposes. It works your legs, shoulders and back, as well as your abdominals.It also improves balance and posture, making it a great pose to remind you to get those shoulders back, chest open, and start with a new, confident passion for your new day.

For a challenge: make your way slowly from Warrior 3 to the all empowering Dancer pose to help you to develop a sense of confidence, inner strength and absolute poise!

Crow Pose

Crow PoseAlong with inversions, arm balances bring a sense of carefree play and magic into our lives as well as shape and tone to our shoulders and core. They teach us to cultivate trust and focus, and are the perfect blend of strength and alignment—reminding us that we have all of the tools we need to succeed and have fun along the way.


Forearm Headstand YogaHolding a position with a whole new relationship to gravity demands a certain steadiness of body and mind, not to mention a firm core and shoulder-strengthening sensation.

Inversions allow us totake a fresh perspective on life and introduce a sense of invigorated calmness.

Full Wheel Pose

Full WheelBackbends open the chest, expanding your heart center to bring a joyful vitality into your life, which spills into all aspects of your life and relationships.

Wheel engages every single muscle in the body, stimulating the nervous system, revving up your metabolism and releasing adrenaline. It opens the entire front of the body, while giving the spine maximum stretch—leaving you feeling ready to take on the world with your renewed energy and strength, and absolute passion for life!

Enjoy, and remember to feel super proud of your fabulous new yoga booty.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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