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5 Steps To Securing A Yoga Teaching Space

Teaching Yoga | Yoga

Let’s be honest; today’s yoga industry is competitive. Teacher trainings are popping up everywhere and some schools seem to be pumping out certified yoga instructors like a very efficient factory assembly line.

Many new teachers fear that there aren’t enough yoga jobs to go around. There is a growing concern that studios might not have enough classes available to fill the time or financial needs of new teachers.

Rest assured, the market is growing. There are enough jobs to go around. It is possible, even as a newbie to secure studio space. Here’s how.

1. Be Available

In order to get classes, you’ll need to put yoga teaching first for a little while. This means you need to go to every studio near you and introduce yourself. Maybe take a class or two there to get to know the overall style and energy of the space. Then ask to get on the sublist.

Life happens and sometimes at the last minute, a teacher will flake. If a studio calls you at the last minute and asks you to sub. GO. Say yes. Forget about what time it is at or your other plans with friends. The first step to securing a studio spot is to be available.

2. Be Reliable

When you teach a yoga class, 5, 10, 30+ people are counting on you to deliver the energy and to set the tone of their practice. Not showing up has a catalyst affect; it will annoy the studio and screw up the schedule of many other people. It isn’t worth it.

Show up. Commit and show up. Be where you say you will when you say you will be there. The more reliable you are, the more likely a studio will be to give you a permanent class.

3. Be Accountable

You will screw up. You are human. Mistakes happen. Be accountable. If you mess up, forget to show up to a class, accidentally teach a vinyasa flow during a restorative hour…etc. Take responsibility for the mistake. It is not hard to forgive someone who is genuinely apologetic and recognizes his or her shortcomings.

4. Take Feedback

This goes hand and hand with accountability. It is important to accept and learn from feedback. Remember, the studio, gym or health club that you instruct at has a vision. So sometimes they will provide feedback or constructive criticism to help get a yoga teacher more inline with that vision.

There is no need to take it personally. Feedback is not a negative reflection of you or your teaching style, it is an opportunity to learn and grow.

5. Be Authentic

Forget trying to act or be how a yoga teacher is supposed to and just be you. People like honesty and authenticity. Your students want to see your personality. You don’t need to be the generic yoga teacher.

Find your own voice, your own flare and your own style. Go with it. Not everyone will like you, but the people who do will remain great fans and followers of your teachings for years to come.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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