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5 Signs That You’re Into Restorative Yoga

Types of Yoga | Yoga

Yogis are conservative. Yogis are wild. Let’s face it, yogis are a mixed bag of mat-toting men and women. So never judge a yogi by his pants, because there’s no telling what’s beneath that sweat-proof lycra. It’s a good thing there are many types of yoga — a style for every kind of practitioner.

But that’s not to say you won’t have a few favorites, and that even your go-to sequences and styles won’t change over time.

Are you currently digging Restorative yoga? Here are 5 signs that indicate you are.

1. Your Soul Seeks Peace

Are you sporting peace signs? Into bath salts and aromatherapy?

Restorative yoga, more than any other type of yoga, is focused on the recuperative experience. Yogis who find themselves clinging to calm might be at their best when on the mat in a Restorative yoga class.

2. You Don’t Mind Sleeping In

Some yogis live by their alarm clock. They're happy to be up and at ‘em as soon as the alarm clock sounds and the coffee is brewed.

A yogi who’s into Restorative yoga, on the other hand, doesn’t mind Corpse posing in the sheets for a bit longer.

3. You’re Cool with Quiet

Restorative yoga is a calming practice, one that invites slower movements, and the inward stroke of self-reflection.

Unlike Power yoga, where sweaty squats and sports drinks may be a part of the game, Restorative yoga is more about respite than rockin’ it out. There will be no intense arm balances in this class!

4. You’re Alert and Engaged

Mindfulness, feeling the breath in your belly, and opening the body through passive stretching — that’s what Restorative yoga offers.

If you’re all about engagement, restorative yoga is your jam.

5. You’re  Detached and Attached

Restorative yoga is a means to detach from the hustle and bustle of our busy lives. As we melt into our mats, making Child’s Pose our prayer, we offer ourselves to the practice. We connect with our bodies, and hold onto nothing. We are detached and attached simultaneously, wholly open to every amazing thing the universe is offering.

If you’re looking for the antidote to stress, an avenue adjacent to the frenzied path, you’re in luck. Restorative yoga is available to you right now, yogi. There’s just one condition: you must be willing to bring your body, and soul.

Are you into Restorative yoga? What attracts you to the practice? Leave us a note in the comments.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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