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5-Minute SUP Yoga Sequence Demo (VIDEO)

Yoga | Yoga Videos

SUP yoga is one of the newer styles of yoga going around, and if you’re curious about it, here’s an amazing video to show you exactly how postures are practiced on a stand up paddleboard.

SUP yoga is a yoga practiced on a stand-up paddle board, and from everything we’ve heard, it can be kinda difficult, which makes this video even more impressive. Check out yogini Kallie from Kinetix as she flows through this SUP yoga sequence demo.

Filmed in beautiful Bermuda, you’ll be itching to get on the next plane to take a class from Kallie. And after seeing this, we can pretty much guarantee that you’ll be signing up for a SUP yoga class today!

Video credit: Kinetix Natural Movement Bermuda

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
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