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3D-Printed Ultrasound Lets Blind Woman “See” Her Unborn Baby (VIDEO)

Family | Lifestyle

In lieu of Mothers’ Day, we thought we’d share with you this heartwarming video showing us how, despite some of its downsides, technology can be a great tool to make us feel more connected.

This viral video tells the story of a blind pregnant woman who was able to “see” her unborn child, thanks to 3D printing technology and the kindness and humanity of her doctor.

She might not be able to see with her eyes, but what she got was even better—she was able to hear, “see” and feel her baby through the 3D-printed ultrasound. Hit play and enjoy!

Video credit: huggiesbrasil on YouTube

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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