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12 Adorable Babies Doing Yoga

Family | Lifestyle

Say hello to the next generation of yogis! Not only are they adorable, but their asana practice is on point.

These twelve babies doing yoga can do everything from Downward Dog to a pretty awesome Cobbler's Pose. Plus, the last one looks like she could already teach her own class. Don't worry about the future of yoga, because these kids have definitely got it covered.

Check it out, and try and stop yourself from saying, "Awwww!"

1. Downward Facing Dog

12 Adorable Babies Doing Yoga -- down dog
Source: Pinterest

2. Cobra Pose

12 Adorable Babies Doing Yoga -- cobra pose
Source: Pinterest

3. Plank Pose

12 Adorable Babies Doing Yoga -- plank pose
Source: YogiLiving

4. Locust Pose

12 adorable babies doing yoga -- locust
Source: GreenKiddie

5. Cat Pose

12 adorable babies doing yoga--cat
Source: BabyGooRoo

6. Three-Legged Down Dog

12 Adorable Babies Doing Yoga -- 3 legged down dog
Source: YogiLiving

7. Fish Pose

12 Adorable Babies Doing Yoga -- fish pose
Source: Pinterest

8. Side Plank

12 Adorable Babies Doing Yoga -- side plank
Source: Pinterest

9. Splits

12 adorable babies doing yoga -- split
Source: ChunMiaoLittleFlower

10. Seated Side Stretch

12 Adorable Babies Doing Yoga -- seated side stretch
Source: Pinterest

11. Cobbler's Pose

12 Adorable Babies Doing Yoga -- cobbler's pose
Source: Pinterest

12. Lotus Pose

12 Adorable Babies Doing Yoga -- lotus pose
Source: Pinterest

What do you think, yogis? Which one was your favorite? Do you have pictures of your kiddos doing yoga? Share with us below!

Title image credit: Detroit Duchess

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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