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10 Sure Fire Signs You Are A Yoga Addict

Food | Lifestyle

Your love affair with yoga may have started innocently enough. You began with a few classes or by watching a few youtube videos. You started making friends at your local studio, and then began finding teachers you loved and now you got to their class every week. Now yoga has started seeping into your life outside of the mat or studio. Here are 10 sure fire signs that you are officially a yoga addict.

1. You Carry Your Mat Around At All Times

It is with you at the office. In your carry on for every flight. It is In all overnight bags. You even took it with you to the mall once. What? The mall is a stressful place, and you thought an asana or two might be necessary to survive the shopping trip.

2. You Have More Stretchy Pants And Workout Tops Than Formal Wear

Your closet looks like a Lululemon or Reebok outlet store. You have 45 possible yoga outfits to choose from and about 4 that you rotate for work.

3. You Wear Your Yoga Clothes Under Your Work Wear, You Know, Just In Case

This way, you don’t have to worry about getting a change room at the studio, you can just strip down and are ready to go.

4. You Sus Out New Homes And Hotel Rooms By The Space Available To Practice

The living room is too small for your couch and your mat? Out. Hotel room has a West facing window instead of an East facing window? No thank you. Hardwood floors with good lighting in the den? Yes please.

5. You Get A Little Star Struck When You See Your Favourite Teacher Outside Of Class, But You Keep It Cool Because You Know That We Are All Human And All Equal

You see your teacher, and do that awkward half wave, so that you can play it off as brushing your hair out of your face if they don’t see you. Then you remind yourself that they are just people, and you are just people and you go over and say hi.

6. You Start To Get Aches And Pains (Whether Real Or Imagined) When You Take More Than A Few Days Off From Your Practice

Yup, no longer do you “think” you should practice yoga, now you “feel” like you should practice yoga. You start to notice stiffness in your hips and legs after too many days off.

7. You Have A Permanent Supply Of Lara Bars, Bliss Balls And Fruit In Your Bag, Because You Never Know When You Are Going To Need To Fuel Up For A Class

Because there is nothing worse than the “hangry” situation that follows a really high energy class when there was no snack before.

8. When Your Mind Wanders, Instead Of Thinking About Dinner Or What You Are Going To Do For Your Weekend, You Think About Postures You Are Looking Forward To Mastering

You daydream about what if would feel like to balance in handstand. You picture yourself in crow pose. You plan and scheme about new things you could try to master dragonfly posture. And these thoughts are fun for you!

9. You Are Not Ashamed To Whip Out A Downward Facing Dog In Your Office, Or A Tree Pose At The Bus Stop

You love how your yoga makes you feel, so you pull it out at any chance you get. Downward office dog? Check. Yogini squat in line at the check out. Yes sir. All is fair game.

10. 30 And 40 Day Challenges Mean Very Little To You. Don’t People Do This Every Day Anyway?

You sign up for the 30 and 40 day challenges just as a formality, because you already do yoga every day anyway. You have a nice routine of vinyasa, yin and mediation and have tailored your practice so that you can meet yourself on the mat every day in some shape or form. You get a gold star every challenge.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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