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10 Inspirational Quotes from Dr. Wayne Dyer

Meditation | Meditation for Beginners

Dr. Wayne Dyer has been inspiring millions around the world for years. Growing up in a difficult environment, he spent most of his childhood in an orphanage in Detroit, but powered through adversity to become one of the world’s best known motivational speakers and self-help authors.

His first book, Your Erroneous Zones, published in 1976, is one of the best-selling books of all time, clocking in at a whopping 35 million copies sold.

In memory of Dr. Dyer, who passed away on August 29, 2015, here are thirteen of his best, most inspirational quotes.

1. 13 inspirational quotes from dr. wayne dyer 1

Source: Pinterest

2. 13 inspirational quotes from dr. wayne dyer 2

Source: Pinterest

3. 13 inspirational quotes from dr. wayne dyer 4

Source: Pinterest

4. 13 inspirational quotes from dr. wayne dyer 6

Source: SilviaRossi

5. 13 inspirational quotes from dr. wayne dyer 8

Source: Pinterest

6. 13 inspirational quotes from dr. wayne dyer 9

Source: WordByPicture

7. 13 inspirational quotes from dr. wayne dyer 10

Source: QuotesNSmiles

8. 13 inspirational quotes from dr. wayne dyer 11

Source: Buzzquotes

9. 13 inspirational quotes from dr. wayne dyer 12

Source: QuotePixel

10. 13 inspirational qutoes from dr. wayne dyer 13

Source: QuotesNSmiles

What is your favorite quote from Dr. Dyer? Share with us in the comments below!

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