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Yogic Connections: Yourself, Your Partner, and Your Sex Life

Lifestyle | Love

As yogis, we may have discovered that sex gets better as we mature within ourselves and within our yoga practice. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why yoga and a healthy sex life naturally go hand-in-hand.

Flexibility, Mindfulness, and Connection

In terms of sexual positions, flexibility certainly supports the way we move about in the bedroom.

Sex is simply better when we are more open and connected to our physical body. ~Aimee Hughes

But more important than trying to emulate the sexual gymnastics of the Kama Sutra, is the mindfulness and presence our yoga practice cultivates. When we incorporate these yogic connections into our sex lives, lovemaking becomes expansive and deeply satisfying.

When we come into the present moment, we are more conscious of ourselves as well as our lover. When we pay attention to our breath and stay with it, we become more aware of what our partner is experiencing during the act of lovemaking. Mindfulness fosters greater opening in our minds, our hearts, and our physical bodies.

Partner Practice

If your lover practices yoga or is even marginally open to it, try practicing together. This helps you attune your pranic bodies to each other.

Coming into alignment with our partners is called entrainment. When this happens, we begin to vibrate at the same frequency. We get to sync up with each other not only physically, but emotionally as well. Sounds powerful, doesn’t it? It is! Just think of the possibilities!

Sexy Asana

Every yoga posture enhances our experience of sex. However, you may wish to focus on poses that open the hips and pelvis by building strength in the legs, quads, and glutes. Practice exaggerated Sufi Grinds, big hip circles after Cat-Cow, Warrior Poses, Pigeon Pose, and Seated Butterfly.

Heart opening poses are also important for you and your love life. Backbends and pranayama encourage and support the opening of the heart. The more you practice with your sexuality in mind, the easier it will be to come up with yoga postures that support your own practice.

Tantra Explained

Tantra is another yogic buzz word, often associated with sex. Tantra is really a practice that teaches us to use our sensory organs to awaken to all that is.

When we practice tantra, our sensuality opens us up to expansive realms of wakefulness and pleasure. ~Aimee Hughes

Tantra also teaches us that the journey is the destination; there is no end goal. We aren’t striving to reach orgasm or have our partner reach orgasm (although that may be a lovely outcome), we’re really just opening to the present moment: laughter, tears, insecurities, and all.


This brings us to our last point–that of radical self-acceptance. Yoga teaches us to love ourselves and our partner exactly as we are. We are more able to speak our truth and ask for what we want while being generous and giving to our partner. This requires one to remain open and receptive at the same time.

Much of our sexual inhibition arises when we feel self-critical, insecure, fearful, or doubtful. With yoga and meditation, we learn how to work with these voices and liberate ourselves from them. Then, we can be exactly as we are in the present moment with our lover. This frees us up sexually and creatively. Sex is a spiritual act as well as a creative one. Yoga helps us to realize this.

When our hearts open–when our heart chakra is connected to our sacral chakra–sex transforms itself into lovemaking. Sex and spirituality merge, and our lovemaking becomes sacred.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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