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“Yogawoman” – A Documentary on the Female Yogi

Lifestyle | People

This isn't breaking news or anything, but just in case you are one of the many who weren't yet into yoga when the movie was released—this post is for you.

"Yogawoman" is a documentary that attempts to show women's role and involvement in the development of yoga starting with its inception in India centuries ago.

The movie also tries to show how yoga has evolved into a multi-billion dollar industry (sexy yoga pants, anyone?), with female yogis at the forefront. Nowadays, urban ashrams and yoga studios are dominated by women who have discovered yoga's profound effects on how they live and think in their daily lives.

The film is not just female-oriented, it is also a tad feminist in that it also delves into the socio-political issues affecting the modern woman, like depression, body image, work and family life, etc. From Manhattan to India to Kenya, the film shows how female yogis can and do find a sense of self-awareness and empowerment, and help them define their femininity.

Some commend "Yogawoman" for recognizing the role that female yogis play in helping this ancient practice develop into what it is today, while some also say the film also has overly dramatic moments and can be seen as borderline sexist. But instead of taking everyone or anyone's word for it, watch the trailer here and see for yourself.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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