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Yoga Classes: Which One Is Right for Me?

Yoga | Yoga for Beginners

Ever since it gained widespread mainstream attention back in the 60s, yoga as a form of exercise has been part of the West's collective consciousness. Nowadays you can find a yoga school in almost every big city in the world. You can even do yoga in your own living room, although yoga classes are still the preferred method for most people, partly because of the community setting but also because it's a great way to get proper adjustments and tips. Sometimes it's just a matter of finding the right class for you in order to dive into the great big world of yoga.

Just The Right Yoga Class For You

Still, while a lot of people are familiar with the term yoga, not all of them know the different types that fall under that banner. If you're new to yoga (or even if you're an old hand and just want to branch out), knowing these different types of yoga classes will be essential to finding the perfect type of exercise for your mind and body.

Those looking for a slower, more relaxed round of yoga should consider attending a Hatha Yoga class. It's a perfect starting point for beginners since it focuses on slow, more gentle movements and places a lot of emphasis on proper breathing. On the other end of the scale is Vinsaya Yoga. Vinsaya Yoga classes typically move through forms at a fast pace, so you need to have a stable foundation before you attempt to join in. Another form of yoga that is more physically demanding that your garden variety stretching-and-breathing class is Ashtanga yoga. These classes are closer to the traditional body sculpting exercise forms than most other yoga classes, making them a perfect fit for those who want to quickly get back into shape.

Moms Have Their Own Yoga Class Too

Yoga is typically not at all gender-specific, but there are a few specialized classes that focus on the fairer sex. One of these is prenatal yoga. These specialized yoga classes teach moms-to-be proper breathing similar to Lamaze classes. In addition, expectant women who enroll in these classes get another of the many benefits of yoga: relief from the aches and pains that accompany pregnancy. After they've given birth, moms can also use the techniques they learned in prenatal yoga class to quickly get back into fighting shape.

These are but a few of the many varieties of yoga classes available today. One thing to keep in mind is to know what your body is capable of and joining a yoga class that can help you improve your condition. After you've built a strong foundation, try checking out the other classes that your yoga school offers.

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