Quick Poll: Does taking care of others ever lead you to taking better care of yourself?
One might think that if you are great at caring for others, it follows that you take good care of yourself too. Sadly, this is not always the case. You have to take care of yourself in order to receive from yourself, otherwise it’s like taking from your right hand to give it to your left.
It is important to devote your life to something important, and something that matters. Why not try it out by making that commitment to yourself? Commitment is beautiful! And you deserve it.
Getting Started
Begin by making a list of all the things you can do as forms of self-care. It could be making time to ride your bike, getting a massage, a pedicure, or watching the sunset. Then, in the coming weeks, methodically follow through with one or two items on your list. Set the momentum and establish that you deserve to receive comfort and care.
Sally Kempton refers to these as "meta commitments," our most important commitments to promoting the quality of life we want. Here’s the great thing: the universe will support you in your meta commitments to yourself.
Yoga And Self-Care
Yoga teaches us that we co-create our life along with the universe. Thus, our experience in life is equally our responsibility. Practicing yoga dictates that you take time to care for yourself—something that is essential to a productive, peaceful life. It is vital that you find a path that keeps you on the path of growth and wellness.
Many find it best to reinforce this path by living near nature, joining a running club, purchasing a yoga package or a series of Reiki sessions. Whatever you choose to help you on the path to taking care of you, be sure to slow down (shani) — that is the best thing anyone can do in demonstrating commitment to self. As Lao Tzu puts it, “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.”
The most challenging part of our human experience is the spiritual practice of sustaining. To keep the fire stoked and burning bright, to stay committed despite the challenges and ups and downs. The hardest part of maturing spiritually is to remain persistent in our key commitments. But with persistent effort, and positive reinforcement, many are able to find (and stay on) the path.
Love yourself, love your day, love your life.