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What Is Restorative Yoga?

Types of Yoga | Yoga

If you’re coming to yoga from a fitness perspective, you might think yoga just looks like stretching. If that’s the case, you’d probably say restorative yoga just looks like a nap. However, it’s so much more than simple rest. Restorative yoga is distinguished by its use of props and long holds in each therapeutic pose. A restorative yoga practice enables internal healing processes, and a well-planned restorative sequence can be used to treat stress, illness, and injury.

RestorativeYoga Overview

Fitness & Sweat


Strength & Balance

Mind & Spirituality


Overall difficulty

Purpose Of Restorative Yoga

The purpose of restorative yoga is to provide rest and rejuvenation to muscles and connective tissues. Relaxing on an assortment of supports may seem lacking in difficulty, but it is challenging for some to find the stillness and patience required for the long holds. It’s essential for us to give our muscles a chance to rest and rebound from exercise and from the aging process.

Benefits Of Restorative Yoga

Even one restorative yoga pose will lead to a calm, restful state. By arranging the body strategically and supporting it with props, you’ll experience deep rest and healing. In each pose, you’ll get all the usual benefits, multiplied many times over because of the long holds. Restorative yoga relieves stress and takes you to a quiet place that is meditative and ideal for processing emotions.

Is Restorative Yoga For Me?

If you have an injury or illness, your teacher should know. With that noted, restorative yoga is for everyone, no matter your age or fitness level. Here’s a restorative yoga sequence to get you started. Click here >>

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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