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What Advice Would You Give Your Younger Self? (VIDEO)

Happiness | Lifestyle

Sometimes you wish you could give advice to your younger self to beware of this or that situation, to stop caring what people think, or to just indulge your sweet tooth. In this video from the CBC, “How to Age Gracefully,” people from the ages of seven to ninety-three give advice to their younger selves.

From lighthearted advice, like how to annoy your babysitter, to the more serious kind, like avoiding the guy who has a “weekend home in the suburbs,” these individuals tell the world what they wish they had told themselves.

Take a few minutes, and see if you can find some advice to apply to your own life. We definitely have! Stay weird, yogis.

Video Credit: Canadian Broadcasting Company Radio 1

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
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