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A New Weekly Column – Welcome To “The More Beautiful Life”

Happiness | Lifestyle

There’s a central paradox to life that is mirrored in the tradition of yoga: we must accept the present and all of its perfect imperfections, while also realizing that a more spectacular present lies just around the corner. In the asana practice we learn to be ok with not touching our toes while maintaining full awareness that someday, perhaps someday soon, we will.

It’s with this paradox in mind that I begin this column: The More Beautiful Life. Life is beautiful. And hard. Filled with sorrow. And joy. Mired in anger. Relishing in love. And yet a more beautiful version exists; in fact, a more beautiful life demands our attention—beckoning our sensibilities.

How do we accept our life fully right now while opening up to the future potential?

The More Beautiful Life is not so much about yoga, but rather the aim of yoga: to unite with the divine. The yogic discipline can show us the way, but it is not the way.

Just how much of our daily life neglects the divine within us? Neglects the sacredness of life in its myriad of forms, complexity of relationships, and infinite eyes of perception?

Here, on Sundays, we’ll attempt to explore these questions. And more…

The Search for Answers

Now before we conclude, I need to call something to your attention. I’m not qualified to offer you any kind of advice. There are no letters of distinction before or after my name. I’ve never taught in a university, nor lived in an ashram.

I am just another guy.

A father. A partner. A friend.

There are no answers here. In my interpretation of fact, the search for answers is an incomplete pursuit. Answers are temporal in nature. They often shift with our perspective.

We are meant to ask questions. The more we ask, the more we experience the essence of life.

It is my hope beyond hope, that this tiny little blog column in a corner of the web of life inspires new questions in each of you.

Thank you for reading and for living in each moment: The More Beautiful Life.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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