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Try This 45-Minute Playlist Perfect for Your Evening Yoga Flow

Happiness | Lifestyle

Evening is my absolute favorite time to do yoga. All of the items on the day’s to-do list have been checked off and you can truly surrender to your yoga practice. It’s a time to just let the stress of the day melt away and to transition into a time of rest and relaxation.

My evening flows typically start with fluid movement as a means to work out any stiffness from the day. It’s so nice to move my body, especially if I’ve been sitting all day. I also like to have a long restorative period at the end of my practice to give my nervous system a chance to reset.

This playlist is full of soulful, nourishing songs to help bring a big dose of self-care into the end of your day. Practice to the playlist here

1. Varkala by Maribou State

Image credit: Genius

Ambient yet energetic, this is the perfect song to get you anchored into your body. It begins slowly, allowing time to sit and connect with your breath. As it builds, this song encourages subtle movements to get your body ready to move. Allow it to wash over you and encourage some big deep breaths, releasing any tension from the day. Listen to it here!

2. Six Eight by Gabriel Garzon-Montano

A steady beat and a smooth voice make this song feel like a big hug. It’s the perfect speed to get moving in some Cat/Cows, warming up the joints with big circles, and starting to link breath and movement. Allow your body to move intuitively and nourish yourself in the way that you need today. Listen to this song here!

3. Give Me Tonight by Dustin Tebbutt

Image credit: Genius

Slowly building heat now, this song is perfect for those first Sun Salutations and flowing movements. The deep back beat sounds like the beating heart and makes me feel so present in my body. Listen here!

4. Dog Years by Maggie Rogers

This song is perfect for the more active portion of your practice. Maggie Rogers has such a unique voice, one that is so pure and beautiful, I always have at least one of her songs in my playlist. For this song, I usually make my way through a few Chaturangas, Warrior II, Reverse Warrior and Triangle on each side. It feels like a beautiful, empowered dance. Give it a listen here!

5. Black Flies by Ben Howard

Image credit: Genius

Although it starts a slow, this song builds to a major peak—the perfect time for the peak pose in your practice. Whether it’s Tree pose, headstand, or a big heart opener, this song makes me feel super strong and open. Listen to the song here!

6. Comes to the Light by Jill Scott

Get those final stretches in while Jill Scott puts your whole life into perspective. This song feels like a resolution, a reminder to deeply feel your emotions, and forgive yourself for any shortcomings. Listen here!

7. Let It Be Me by Ray LaMontagne

Image credit: Genius

There is never a wrong time of day for Ray LaMontagne, but evening is definitely the best time. The smoothness of his voice, the gentle reminder that it’s ok for things to go wrong, this song is the best way to settle back into your breath and begin to slow the heart rate. Give this song a listen here!

8. I am Light by India Arie

I know that the phrase “all the feels” is overused, but honestly, this song is ALL THE FEELS. Girl power, self-love, total surrender, this song has it all. Get those candles burning, set yourself up in some juicy restorative poses and allow this beauty to wash over you (and if you’re like me, be prepared the tears of happiness to flow). Listen to it here!

9. Indian Summer by Jonsi & Alex

Image credit: Genius

When you’re ready for an adult lullaby and to feel totally and completely relaxed, this is your song. The only way I can describe this song is as the sound of surrender. It’s a lovely nine minutes of bliss, just long enough for the perfect Savasana. Listen here!

When you’re ready to get your evening flow going, roll out your mat, set up this playlist, and hit play. I hope it makes you feel as stress-free and blissed out as it does for me! Enjoy!

Image credit: Drinie Aguilar

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