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This Yogini Becomes a Part of Street Art With Yoga and Instagram (PHOTOS)

Lifestyle | People

If you think yoga and street art don’t have much in common, then you haven’t seen this amazing yoga and Instagram project by Chicago yogini Soren Buchanan.

Asanas allow us to create different shapes with our bodies, so it makes perfect sense that yoga pairs perfectly with the bold shapes and colors in the murals Buchanan photographs.

Soren Buchanan, Street Art Yoga

Buchanan grew up in Florida, the daughter of a sign painter mother and an art teacher father. Perhaps inspired by her art-filled childhood, she fell in love with the incredible street art in Miami, where she lived during her college years. She says she even started jumping fences to get a closer look at murals and graffiti.

Soren Buchanan, Street Art Yoga

Her passion for yoga was born out of the shock of her first Midwestern winter. After spending the season indoors trying to escape the legendary Chicago cold, Buchanan had an epiphany. “I knew I needed to adapt and create my own warmth. Yoga was the answer.”

Soren Buchanan, Street Art Yoga

Putting her two passions together was a no-brainer for Buchanan. Street art is all about how people relate to their urban environments. Since yoga emphasizes being truly rooted in the present, the experience of street art and yoga together is an amazing way to celebrate life in a big city.

Soren Buchanan, Street Art Yoga

Buchanan color-coordinates her outfits to work with the mural she’s photographing. Her photos emphasize the interplay of color and shape in the mural through carefully chosen asanas that echo the shapes in the piece. She also includes a quote in each Instagram post, hinting at her interpretations of the artwork.

Soren Buchanan, Street Art Yoga

Her goal for this project is simple but powerful: “I hope to accent the art, complement it with human interaction, and yoga provides endless possibilities for shapes and expression.” By choosing colors and asanas that fit the mood of the murals, she sometimes seems to completely blend in, effectively becoming a part of the art!

Soren Buchanan, Street Art Yoga

It’s no coincidence that this project was created in Chicago, a city that’s home to a long tradition of street art and murals. She views her project as truly collaborative: “Artist recognition is very important to me. If people are drawn to my images, they need to know who I am collaborating with. I hope to bring attention to artists who, other than on the streets, might have limited venues showcasing their art and sharing their styles.”

Soren Buchanan, Street Art Yoga

Buchanan’s work takes her to cities around the U.S. so that she can #bepartofstreetart while living the philosophy of #yogaeverywhere! You can see her past photos and keep up with her work on Instagram @SpriteSoren.

Image Credit/Yogini: @SpriteSoren on Instagram

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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