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This Power Walk Playlist Will Make You Feel Like a Badass With Every Step

Happiness | Lifestyle

Ever have those moments when you’re out and about, feeling great, and it’s almost like a movie scene where you’re the f*ckin’ hero walking around while rock music plays in the background? No? Well, this playlist will give you just that. Whether you’re out brisk walking or on your daily walk to work, listen to this mix with your headphones on and you’ll get that instant, badass confidence boost.

Check out the playlist on YouTube and add it to your Spotify library.

The power walk playlist features songs from amazing indie rock bands, as well as popular ones like the White Stripes, Arctic Monkeys, and The Strokes. Tip: Check out The Heavy’s “How You Like Me Now” for that quintessential “badass movie walk” experience.

Image Credit: Ionut Andrei Coman

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
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