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The Art of Fitness: 5 Key Practices for Every Workout

Fitness | Pilates

A lot of the time, we associate working out with losing weight and obtaining our perfect body. We lose sight of what fitness brings to not only the body, but to the mind. We have the tendency to get caught up in the Media’s illusions of trying to look like someone else, when in reality it does not sustain a healthy motivation to workout.

We need remember that it starts with the mind’s willingness and the body’s strengths to create a perfect workout.

With that in mind, here are 5 key practices for every workout.

1. Become Connected with Yourself

Before you begin to venture into a new workout plan, try writing down your thoughts and feelings about your life, and the blockages you feel when it comes to your confidence in your body image.

If you write down your thoughts, you will begin to release your repressed emotions and will begin to heal, or at least have a sense of relief of knowing who you are.

2. Focus on Your Body’s Movement

When you begin to workout, take your time and watch your body move. You will begin to respect your body’s effort.

3. Instead of Focusing on How Your Body Looks, Focus on How You Feel

You should feel exhilarated; a rush of self-acceptance. Have a moment of pulling yourself from the outside world and releasing yourself into the fluidity of your body.

The core of your being revolves around happiness, and your fitness routine should support that notion.

4. Find a Workout That Allows You to Feel in Control and Makes You Excited

You should look forward to your workouts! Make it a hobby, not a chore.

5. Define Your Own Beauty

When you work out, don’t make it a goal to look like your favorite celebrity, but rather your perfect self. Try to find comfort and motivation in creating a healthy body in which you will feel confident with.

Nurture your body in the workout and also your mind. Encourage yourself with personal mantras and create mini-goals during the week that will allow you to feel small doses of success along the way. It’s all about you, no one else.

Creating your own version of your healthy body and mind will make you happy.

The art of working out is simple. It all beings with understanding your issues, learning to accept yourself, and finding strength in your body and mind to create a workout that fills you with happiness. Fitness is a form of escape from reality, where you are utterly alone and able to concentrate on yourself.

Working out can be your peaceful release.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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