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Skin Issues: 8 Acne-Prone Zones and How to Manage Them

Aging | Health

I get upset when my skin flares up. And then the more I worry about the thing, the worse it gets. Plus, I'm a picker. There, I said it. I just can't leave it alone. But guess what. There is always a reason why you get breakouts, which you can pinpoint by looking at the area in which they occur.

The appearance of spots and blemishes can be hormone-related or diet-related. Like in Reflexology, different areas of the face reflect a different part of your internal health.

So if the area a zit appears in is indicative of the reason why it appeared, that means you can learn how to manage and prevent your acne. The more I'm learning about the hows and whys of when and where I'm getting skin issues and/or breakouts, the better I'm getting at controlling them.

Let’s take a look at what causes acne in each facial zone.

1. Forehead: Digestion

This happens when your diet is not as clean as it ought to be and the digestive system is affected and compromised. High amounts of fat (had cake or candy recently?) can lead to breakouts across the forehead, particularly above the eyebrows. Clean up your diet and you’ll clean up your skin!

2. Between Your Eyebrows: Liver

Drinking alcohol (especially more than your body is used to) can lead to a breakout between the brows. The liver has to work overtime to clear toxins from all that booze out of your system. Allergic reactions and even a slight intolerance to dairy products can also cause spots in this area.

Be sensible if you’re going to drink alcohol. Personally, on a night out I try to stick to clear spirits or one glass of red wine, max. If you have an intolerance of dairy products, try nut milks and nut butters.

3. Eyes and Ears: Kidneys

Spots near the ears or dark circles around your eyes can be the result of poor hydration. Limit your intake of coffee and salty foods. Ensure that your body is well-hydrated by drinking 2 liters of water daily, and more if you’re exercising.

4. Mouth: Hormones and Stress

Spots around the sides of the mouth indicate stress. You can’t control how your hormones respond to stress, but you can try to lessen stress and keep your body healthy enough to withstand it.

Minimise the changes stress causes to the surface of your skin by eat clean and exercising regularly. Yoga is a great way of keeping your hormones in check because it helps to regulate the nervous system, promotes effective breathing, and relaxes and reinvigorates the body.

5. Nose: Heart and Cardiovascular System

Clogged pores are common around the tip of the nose because the skin in this area is fine and full of dilated pores. Clean your makeup brushes regularly, and take particular care to keep this area of your face and any objects you bring close to it clean.

High blood pressure and a diet high in saturated fat can also contribute to a redder complexion in this area. Replace bad fats with good fats such as avocado, salmon, and nuts. Eat more fruits, vegetables, and fish high in Omega-3s.

6. Cheeks: Respiratory System

It’s all in the apples! Lack of exposure to fresh air and smoking both increase chances of acne forming along the tops of the cheeks.

Taking more walks outside will not only give your respiratory system the fresh fuel it needs, it also provides you with much needed Vitamin D for healthy skin (just 15 minutes per day of sunshine will help). Just remember to use SPF, even in the winter!

7. Chin: Stomach and Digestive System

Eating rich heavy food stresses your body. The digestive system works overtime processing these foods, and the liver works to flush the toxins that your stomach has barely begun to process.

Be kind to your digestive system by going easy on treats and meals out, addng more fiber to your diet, and incorporating a regular exercise regime into your routine.

8. Neck: Illness and Immune System

When you’re sick, the immune system kicks into overdrive to fight infection. Thus, it’s important here to remember not to overwork it: get enough sleep, take a step back from your normal routine, and drink plenty of water.

A diet high in fresh fruit and raw vegetables will help fuel your body, help boost the immune system, and stave off illnesses.

What lifestyle habits are you adopting to keep your skin clear? Share your tips, experiences, and thoughts with me below!

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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