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On Asking for Help: Tips from a Yogi

Happiness | Lifestyle

I have asked for help more than most people. I've had to as a result of tragic circumstances in my life. But receiving help doesn't come easy for me.

For many years I simply didn't believe I deserved it. That combined with my vow to never become co-dependent or needy made it harder for me to ask for help in the first place. I became disempowered.

What I've Learned

There are three things I've learned about asking for help:

1. Asking for help is necessary to live a productive life with less struggle and strife.

2. Receiving support is healthy during a crisis and should be part of our regular life too.

3. It is possible to remain confident while also being strong in vulnerability.

The easiest way through a challenging time and the quickest route to healing requires that you clearly communicate how you want to receive resources and support. 

A beautiful client of mine spoke to me recently of the shame she carries about her miscarriage and abusive relationship. I applaud her courage. I shared with her some of my own story of abuse and loss, and how I have asked for help in times of need. When she heard this, she was empowered to ask for assistance from friends and family to support her through this difficult time.

The power of asking is the key to abundance living. ~Lailah Gifty Akita.

Those who think they don't deserve help only limit themselves. It’s time to put down the title of martyr or victim.

How to Receive More Support in Your Life

I’ve heard some people say that they are just natural givers. But if they are unable to receive help, then their motivation for giving will always come to question. Admit it or not, the giving becomes a passive aggressive way to receive. In this scenario, the giving will never be enough. They will inevitably burn out until they are empty.

Here are 3 simple ways to promote receiving more support in your life:

1. At home, ask your partner, children or roommates for help around the house.

2. At work, delegate. Yes, it will take more time up front but in the end it will allow you to be more strategic about how you use your energy. Utilize this as an opportunity to demonstrate confidence in your team members. Grow your productivity by putting the most effort into those tasks that require your expertise.

3. Let go of the guilt related to being "weak" by asking for help. Trust the universe.

Apply these to your life and you'll find a boomerang of energy and productivity. You will feel clear headed, lighter, and friendlier. Grow your spiritual happiness by demonstrating faith and trust in other people. It’s worth any perceived risk.

Love yourself, love your day, love your life!

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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