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3 Natural Remedies for Your Post-Labor Day Stomach Ache

Food | Lifestyle

Well, summer is quickly coming to an end and for those of you who sent it out with a particularly large bang this weekend, you might be looking for something to settle that queasy stomach of yours. Whether it was one too many sunset cocktails or, in my case, way too many servings of potato salad, these natural tummy tamers may be your ticket to feeling better in no time.


When I was going through chemo as a kid, we searched high and low for natural upset stomach remedies as opposed to the toxic-tasting medicine the doctors gave me. Eventually, a holistic nutritionist recommended papaya. Apparently, papayas contain enzymes that aid digestion and help to soothe the stomach. Plus, it’s got that delicious fruity flavor and you can find it in chewable tablet form at most health food stores.


According to Dr. Andrew Weil, mint is “one of the most powerful and effective remedies for gastrointestinal complaints”.  I’ve been drinking it in tea for years with fresh mint picked from the garden, hung upside down in bundles, and dried for about a week. You can then steep it in hot water and add a touch of sweetener, if desired.


Anyone remember being home sick as a kid and your mom or dad giving you ginger ale to ease your tummy ache? Well, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, ginger has been used to treat upset stomach and nausea for centuries thanks to potent oils it contains. Personally, whenever I’m feeling a bit under the weather, I like to grab myself a ginger kombucha, but you can also try out ginger tea, or even homemade ginger ale.

Of course, I’m no doctor, so if you’re looking to try a natural approach to taming that upset tummy, talk to your physician or other healthcare provider first and see if these three natural tummy tamers are right for you.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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