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JetBlue Now Offering Free Airport Yoga Classes at JFK

Happiness | Lifestyle

We’ve all noticed that more and more airports are adding spaces for people to practice while waiting for their flight. And boy do those of us who have been bitten by the travel- and the yoga-bugs appreciate it!

Now, JetBlue is taking it one step further than the dedicated yoga spaces and yoga videos, by offering free, one-hour classes with teachers from YAMA Talent in John F. Kennedy Airport’s Terminal 5.

The Classes

airport yoga classes The Terminal 5 Concourse where the yoga classes will take place.

These airport yoga classes will each be an hour long, and run from January 20th to January 22nd.

On the 20th and 21st, there will be three classes each day, at 11:30am, 3pm, and 5pm. There will be four classes on the 22nd at 10am, 11:30am, 3pm, and 5pm.

Depending on how well they do, JetBlue may offer them as a regular feature at JFK.

So if you’re traveling through JFK this week, stop the main concourse of JFK’s Terminal 5 and show your support. Let’s keep yoga in our airports!

Title image credit of Leo Rising, one of the teachers leading the classes:

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