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I’m Kristin McGee, And This Is How I Yoga

Yoga | Yoga for Beginners

Kristin McGee is a celebrity yoga and Pilates instructor in New York City. She’s also a mom to her son Timothy, a contributing editor at Health, a brand ambassador for C9 by Target, and has appeared frequently on television: Today Show, Good Morning America, Early Show, CNN, Fox News, among other programs.

Kristin aims to make her programs fun and accessible to all. Whether working privately, watching her DVD in the comfort of your home, or working out in one of her classes, she will help you get in shape and have fun while doing it.

Name: Kristin McGee

Occupation: Yoga & Pilates instructor

Location: New York City

Favorite yoga style: Vinyasa Flow and Katonah Yoga

Favorite yoga pose: All of them! A headstand if I had to choose.

Yoga is…MINDFUL MOVEMENT, Stretch Therapy, Self Discovery

Kristin McGeeWhat Do You Love Most About Yoga?

Everything! I couldn't live without yoga. I love the flexibility and openness. I truly do love everything about yoga from the way it strengthens me to the way it helps me meditate. I love how it grounds me and stretches me and makes me a new person every time I do a practice or teach a practice. I seriously learn something new every time I step on to my mat.

How Has Yoga Changed Your Life, Personality And Physique?

Yoga has changed my life by opening me up to a world of possibilities. It's helped me slow down and deal with my anxious, perfectionistic, type A personality. Yoga has given me better posture and helped me build muscle in a way I never thought I could. I'm shocked at how toned and limber I've become through yoga.

What Everyday Things Did You Get Better At Because Of Yoga?

I'm a better mom, wife, teacher, friend and person because of yoga. I stay in the moment more, I listen better, and I take better care of myself. Yoga also helps me with my posture, focus, and other sports in which I participate.

How Do You Keep Your Yoga Practice Interesting And Challenging?

I am never bored by my practice, but when I need an extra boost of inspiration, I go and take class with one of my favorite teachers.

What Book, Website Or Person Inspires You?

Nevine Michaan at Katonah Yoga. She is truly magical and amazing.


Which Yoga Pose Challenges You the Most?

Ankle to Knee pose. I have the tightest hips and I have to practice this pose every day to stay open in the external rotators. It's a killer and I want to scream every time I go in to the pose. But, once I can release in to it, it's amazing.

What are Your Go-To Yoga Poses When You’re Stressed or In Need of an Energy Boost?

Downward dog or standing forward bend.

What Do You Listen To When You Practice Yoga?

Just my breath. I love music but I keep it for a separate time. When I'm doing yoga, I love the quiet sound of my breath.

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What’s The Best Advice You’ve Ever Received?

"TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE" and yoga is magic. Magic has a formula; it's not just arbitrary, it's a skill. A magician doesn't just get lucky, he practices. Yoga is not just a one-time activity, it's a lifelong practice.

What’s Your #1 Piece of Advice for Those Just Starting Their Yoga Practice?

Don't take yourself too seriously and have fun. It's all about letting go and enjoying how amazing it feels to live in your body and open up to new insights about yourself.


Facebook: KristinMcGeeFitness

Twitter: @KristinMcGee

YouTube: kristinmmcgee

Instagram: @kristinmcgee

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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