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I’m Kia Miller, And This Is How I Yoga

Yoga | Yoga for Beginners

One of the most well known Kundalini teachers in the West, Kia Miller has an ability to translate the subtle teachings of Kundalini Yoga in a highly accessible way. Kia's study of yoga began when she was 15. She is certified in both Hatha and Kundalini and teaches workshops, retreats and teacher trainings throughout the world. Kia's passion is to share the Kundalini tradition infused with Bhakti. Kia's classes are a powerful mix of asana, breath, meditation and chanting that will leave you uplifted and empowered.

Name: Kia Miller

Occupation: Yoga and Meditation Teacher

Location: Venice, CA

Favorite yoga style: Radiant Body Yoga – a combination of Vinyasa Flow and Kundalini Yoga

Favorite yoga pose: All backbends – I love how they elevate my energy.

Yoga is…coming home to yourself at the deepest level, it is the process of dissolving all the veils of past wounds and conditioning that prevent us from fully living in the brilliance and brightness of who we are born to be. Through a dedicated practice we can learn how to live masterfully in this world without being distracted and dispersed by it, we can learn what it means to live from the heart and be of service to those around us.

What Do You Love Most About Yoga?

I love so many things: the way the physical practice makes me feel, a practice that helps me to stay connected to my Truth. The clear ethical guidelines through which to engage with self and others, a lifestyle that includes respecting life on all levels and working for peace and to reduce suffering in the world.

Kia Miller Yoga Teacher InterviewHow Has Yoga Changed Your Life, Personality And Physique?

Through the practice of yoga I have transformed from the inside out, well actually is started with the outside, with me learning how to be comfortable and at home in my body, next came the powerful transformation and activation of my energy through Kundalini Yoga, which brought the last part – a strong connection to who I am, why I am here and how I can share what I have learned with others. I am passionate about all things related to yoga and bringing more consciousness into the dark areas of self and the world.

What Everyday Thing Did You Get Better At Because Of Yoga?

Breathing – THE most important thing that we do – it translates into how we feel energetically, emotionally and mentally. Through the breath we have a way to change our energy at will. It is truly a miracle.

How Do You Keep Your Yoga Practice Interesting And Challenging?

I am always studying, from books, other teachers, and also the most profound study, which is to spend time in meditation. It is one thing to learn book knowledge, but quite another to feel the wisdom that comes from experience within the practice.

What Book, Website Or Person Inspires You?

The list is endless… I will give a few. My main teachers to this point inspire me: Maty Ezraty, Chuck Miller, Annie Carpenter, Guru Singh, and the many swamis from the Bihar school whose timeless wisdom touches me through their books and lectures. I am inspired by Paramahansa Yogananda, Swami Rama, Patanjali, and all the sages through the ages who have passed on their wisdom and faith, so that we may now benefit from their teachings. I have learned what is possible through these sages: to live with a fully awakened heart and mind, they have shared pathways for us all to follow.

What Do You Listen To While You Do Yoga?

Any devotional music, where the heart is made to sing and vibrate happily!

What’s The Best Advice You’ve Ever Received?

When life gets in the way of your yoga, make yoga your life.



Twitter: @KiaMillerYoga

Photo credit: Fluid Frame

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
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