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How Yoga Inspires Adventure In Your Life

Happiness | Lifestyle

Life is too short to keep walking the beaten path. Yoga inspires us to reveal our fears or hesitations so we can grow beyond them into new uncharted potential.

For me, the way yoga has changed my life is that it made me stop holding back my excitement for what I really want to do and experience! Just like going on an adventure, yoga helps us commit to an uncertain outcome with an open heart and open mind.

Be An Explorer, Chart New Territories

When passionate for living life to its fullest you will be transformed or as Pantanjali says in the Yoga Sutras, "When you are inspired by some great purpose all of your thoughts break their bonds; your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world!"

There is no time to waste. Get inspired by going on an adventure whether it’s close to home or somewhere exotic.

“When you step away you become an explorer charting new territories. You are creating new ways of looking at situations; you innovate at work and at home. It’s impossible to be bored with your life.” -How We Choose to be Happy by Rick Foster and Greg Hicks

How Yoga Inspires Adventure In Your Life1


Where did I learn my love for adventure? Well, that's easy: it was my Father. Through travel and adventures near and far, my father was teaching me the Yoga of Life, the Yoga of Adventure! You see, I grew up traveling all over the world with my brother and parents from the time I was an infant. I guess the fact that I love to show other people the beauty of the world through Yoga Retreats and Eco-Vacations shouldn't surprise anyone since I was born in Ecuador, and my Father is from Northern Italy.

One could say being a citizen of the world is in my blood. Every time I travel somewhere, I come back different.

Every Yoga Class Is An Adventure

Every yoga class we take is like a really compact adventure. We don't know the poses we're going to do, or in what sequence, and we certainly can't know the outcome in advance. We just have to give ourselves to it without knowing how it’s going to work out. It is this ability to take a leap into the unknown with mindfulness and grace on the mat that we take with us off the mat and into our daily lives.

The power to think big about who you are, how you live, and what you can do in the world, whether it's climbing volcanoes in South America, living in the rainforest in Hawaii, zip lining in Costa Rica, learning to surf in Baja, trying new foods in a nearby city or quitting your job to do the work you really want to do. It’s never too late to get excited about the direction your life is going.

"Exploration Really Is The Essence Of The Human Spirit!"

Declare today: 'I will not hold myself back.' Update your BUCKET LIST: have you always dreamed of doing yoga on the beach on a tropical island? Or maybe you’ve always wanted to savor the best wines of Tuscany, or get on two wheels and ride the slick rock of Moab’s red rock, or get lost in Bali?

By choosing to explore and make new adventures, like learning new yoga routines, you will see more clearly the possibilities for your best life ever! Set the "by when" date for going on an adventure and renew your inspiration.

Reclaim the joy of waking up each day excited about your life, and be the cause of your own happiness. Love yourself, love your day, love your life!


Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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