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How Yoga Helps You To Manifest Change

Happiness | Lifestyle

Change your expectations for yourself: Expect the bext, expect your fortunes to change, expect a miracle, reaccquaint yourself with that vision." Dr. Wayne Dyer

In order to manifest change you must make changes yourself. The key to this change lies in one’s perception of self. When that perception is rooted in the old, habitual and comfortable, the said change can be quite difficult and uncomfortable. In yogic terms there are several key elements that facilitate change and resistance thereto. When the transformation process is slow, it is facilitated by the second chakra which is ruled by the Water element. On the contrary, when change is fast and sudden it’s facilitated by our third chakra which is ruled by the Fire element.

While both elements facilitate change at different speeds, the root of change apprehension lies in fear. Some areas of our life do require more consistency and thus the change is gradual and slow, while others require strength and immediacy. Given that both elements of Fire and Water facilitate change, our focus should detract from speed and rather address the fear behind the resistance.

In yoga asana we are able to experience this fire and water through the flow of movement and breath. The intention is to tune in and freely give ourselves what we need, whether it is more fire or water, as either way we unblock the flow. Today honor your change by reading the words of the late Gabrielle Roth from her book Sweat Your Prayers.

“We are born into bodies that are fluid and free. Yet for most of us, this state of grace is sadly short lived. Judgment, emotional wounds, fear and loss become stored deep inside our muscles and bones, leaving us with shoulders that sag, hips that are locked, arms that can’t reach out, hearts that beat behind a stone wall. When we move our bodies we shake up firmly rooted systems of thought, old patterns of behavior and emotional responses that just don’t work anymore. Rhythm, breath, music and movement become tools for seeing, then freeing, the habits that hold us back. When we free the body, the heart begins to open. When the body and the heart taste freedom, the mind won’t be far behind. And when we put the psyche into motion, it will start to heal itself”. Gabrielle Roth

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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