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How Yoga Gave Me Back A Better Quality Of Life

Yoga | Yoga for Beginners

My name is Lynn Mueller. I am 51 years old, a widow after 26 years of being married, a mother of 3 and and grandmother of 5.

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue syndrome in 1993 after an inoperable back injury. Hence why I started yoga. I am a professional and have a degree in HR. My disease would come and go three, four, five times a year, and I’d have horrible flu-like symptoms that would knock me down and out.

My husband of 26 years was a bicycle racer and we traveled all over Wisconsin with his racing. He had Melanoma skin cancer that started on top of his head through the vents of his helmet. He was gone in 13 months and 1 day. At this point all that I knew as an adult changed and my wold stopped.

Dealing With Multiple Diseases

Three years ago I got so sick and no longer could hold my balance, and was continually falling and hurting myself. I had to quit my corporate job and stay home due to being so ill with the "flu," to be later diagnosed with RA, Osteoarthritis, Myofacial Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Sjogrens Syndrome, Iritis and Glaucoma.

After spending 14 straight days in my home and never leaving it, I decided that I would get myself back into a yoga studio, though I had continued to practice yoga at home once or twice a week…as that is all the energy I had in me. Once I got into the studio, I slowly build up my strength by doing yoga for 1 hour everyday for the next 6 months.

It was then that I was able to rid myself of my cane and walk again.


Yoga As Exercise, And More

I had always loved yoga and felt that it was one of the best forms of exercise a person could do. Even my old-school, die-hard, bicycle-riding husband enjoyed yoga. This is the point when I decided it was time for me to teach others. So after taking the 200-hour training TWICE, I became a certified yoga instructor in December 2013.

I now teach people that we "CAN." If I can do this, so can you. With changes in my diet and adding yoga and mediation to my daily life, I CAN. Now I am on my way to relocating and bringing yoga to my hometown of Florence, Wisconsin. My yoga studio will be opening on September 13, 2014 and the name is iCanYoga2.

Yoga gave me back a better quality of life. I learned that I cannot heal myself or make my illnesses go away, but I can have a better quality of life by taking care of myself and finding peace with all that I have gone through—with the help and support of family and friends.

So once again…if I CAN do this, so CAN you!


Lynn-Muellerby Lynn Mueller – Lynn is a 200-Hour Certified Yoga Instructor and RYT, and brings with her a positive attitude and inspiration of "I can." She set out to learn about yoga and healing due to her own chronic health issues. She learned "I can" instead of "I can't" and brings this practice into her own teaching. Lynn is self-taught in essential oils and herbs and incorporates the use of both in her meditation and teaching.

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