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How To Make A Vision Board – What Are You Manifesting?

Happiness | Lifestyle

What are you manifesting? Vision Boarding is a simple, fun, stress-free way of letting your imagination be free, giving you insight into your soul’s desires and heart’s intentions. It can and will surprise you as a tangible way to explore possibilities and come away with new insights and energy for manifesting your now-visible dreams.

There are 3 main styles of learning. Auditory, Visual and Kinesthetic. To harness the power of manifestation, we need a combination and balance of these three. When setting intentions we often stay in our minds, only thinking about what we aspire to for our lives. True manifestation begins here, but in order to make it real, we have to engage more of our senses. “Vision without action is a dream, says Joel Barker. Action without vision is simply passing the time. Action with Vision is making a positive difference.”

We need to: (1) journal about our intentions, (2) pledge them aloud to others and (3) see them with our eyes as often as possible—ideally every day. Vision boards stoke our visual learning style. They serve to funnel and focus our 60,000 daily thoughts into a clear intention for ourselves.

Here Are Some Basic How To's In Making Your Own Vision Board

  1. Collect magazines, scissors, glue, poster board, stickers, markers. Expect this all to cost less than $10.00
  2. Decide what kind of Vision Board this will be. Here are three key board themes: (1) Past, Present, Future Board: paste pictures of where you've been on the outside rim, next put where you are now, and in the center of the board where you want to go; (2) Single Focus Board: decide on one key area of your life like Career or Relationships and choose pictures that support the vision you have for yourself; (3) I Don't Know Board: go through magazines and simply start choosing anything that is calling to you. Don't edit, just allow things to happen organically.
  3. Sit and meditate on the purpose of your board. Visualize it in the quiet workshop of your mind. Visioning requires concentration.
  4. Go through magazines and cut out words, pictures, anything that might be a good fit for your theme.
  5. Make sure to include a photo of yourself on your Vision Board so you can literally “see” yourself in your own story. This empowers you to strengthen your manifestation.
  6. Find a balance between being creative but not cluttered. If you end up with too much it will only dilute the powerful experience of visioning.
  7. Put it together. Organize, glue, and create!


How To Use Your Vision Board Successfully

  1. Keep your Vision Board where you can see it everyday, ideally first thing in the morning.
  2. Bring your Vision Board on the road wherever you go by taking a photo of it and using it as your screen saver on your laptop and smartphone.
  3. Show a friend your Vision Board and explain what it means to you. By saying it out loud, you further reinforce the stickiness of your thoughts to keep them from being distracted.
  4. Celebrate as you manifest your intentions one by one!

Finally, don’t forget to make time when necessary, to create another board for yourself. Happy manifesting! Love yourself, love your day, love your life! Silvia

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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