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How to Choose a 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course (Part Two)

Teaching Yoga | Yoga

Choosing the best 300 hours Yoga TTC is not always the easiest task. Yoga market all over the world is full of offers – from India to South America, from Phuket to New York…the options are endless.

To choose what’s best is not only about the course content and the school's reputation, but also about how you can plan and organize it logistically.

Continuing from Part One of this article series, here are the other aspects to consider when choosing a 300-Hour yoga teacher training course:

5. Teaching Team

A good team of teachers is made of different personalities synchronised together to serve their students. You can get inspired by their different skills, experiences, styles, nationalities and cultural backgrounds.

Everybody is an expert of a few things, so the more specialists of different fields you will meet, the better for you – your knowledge will be specific and accurate!

6. Structure of TTC

A good program needs to have some logic and strategy. The schedule should be balanced between theory and practice, should offer clear structure and content. You should know which styles the course covers and in what proportions, the idea nad concept behind the whole process, etc.

A good school always thinks of the methodology of teaching. Instead of just “killing” hours to reach 300 in whatever way, choose the program that will allow you to grow up and expand!

7. Size of the Group

Small groups allow you to have individual contact with the teachers, many individual teaching practicum hours; it gives you also the opportunity to ask questions and approach your teaching team whenever you have doubts or a problem.

Courses with too many students make this experience mechanical, anonymous, without any feeling of getting proper care and supervision.

8. Location

It is a long training, an intensive deep process, so make sure that the centre you choose is in a place that you enjoy – the weather, accommodation offered, access to Nature, etc.

If you like Goa – go for it, but if you prefer the mountains choose Himalayas, etc. Learning process is challenging enough, so you shouldn’t worry about your room, food and the environment.

9. Duration

Some schools take a shortcut with 300-hour TTC, and want to squeeze it all within four weeks. Seriously, 300 hours within 28 days gives us more than 10 hours of work a day (theoretically).

Most of these schools want to give you a lot of homework and artificial tasks instead of proper contact hours required by Yoga Alliance. If you invest your time and money why not to go for the full version? 300 hours program should be at least 5 weeks long, so that you can learn properly, the program is not rushed or compromised, and you have some time to digest the knowledge.

10. Price

Just because it's an advanced course it doesn’t mean it should be super expensive. Good quality always costs proper money, but at the same time, avoid overpriced courses – they might be run by dishonest people who solely mean business, not following any yogic attitudes and values.

Always ask what is included in the price, and what are the options. Good 300 hours TTC offers different standards for different money – economy, exclusive, moderate. This shows the school is trying to answer to the need of all clients.

The worst that can happen is you end up in a school where you don’t enjoy or learn much. Even though yoga philosophy says we can learn from everything in life, it still wouldn't hurt to have the most inspiring, reliable, and friendly teachers for your 300-hour TTC.

Is there anything I missed that you would add to the list? How did you find the teacher training course for you?

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