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How Robert Downey Jr. Found Spiritual Balance in Yoga

Lifestyle | People

Since everyone (okay, ALMOST everyone) is going crazy over the new Avengers movie, we thought it’s only right to spread the Tony Stark/Iron Man love to all our fellow yoga enthusiasts as well.

A few months back, Robert Downey Jr. made the cover of Men’s Fitness, where he talked about working with one of LA’s most well-known yogis, Vinnie Marino. There are a lot of celebrity yogis out there (Madonna, Jennifer Aniston, Sting — to name a few), but Downey’s yoga experience is inspiring because it helped him reach a mental and spiritual balance and help him overcome his addictions.

It was revealed in a TIME magazine interview a while back that Downey does Power-Flow yoga with Marino, and how every session makes him feel calm, reflective, and at peace. This isn’t the first story we’ve heard about yoga helping people overcome addictions, but it’s always good to hear how it plays a vital role in developing spirituality and an overall positive outlook on life.


Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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