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Ask A Yogi – How Often Should I Do Yoga Per Week?

Yoga | Yoga for Beginners

I'm fairly new to yoga and I'm not sure about how often is too much and how often is too little. I want to get the best out of my practice, but only have limited time and of course I don't want to overdo it. So how often should I do yoga per week?

Asked by Ramit L.

The Answer

This is a question I get all the time from people new to yoga and even from those who have been practicing for a while. The most beautiful thing about yoga is that it doesn’t matter how many times you practice a week! Whether you practice for an hour a day to an hour a week, you’re eventually going to begin to acknowledge the same benefits physically, mentally, and emotionally.

However, if you want to start to cultivate a steady, continuous practice, I suggest starting with two to three times a week, for an hour or hour and a half each time. Of course, if this seems unreasonable, you can cut it down (or if it seems like not enough, you can pump it up!), but in order to build a strong practice, dedication is most certainly key. It allows you to become accustomed to the asanas (physical yoga poses) and their names, prepare your mind for meditation, and begin to let go of any physical or mental tension.

Additional Tips

I also suggest taking the time to practice in a classroom setting with a certified yoga instructor. Yoga instructional videos are great, and cultivating a personal home practice is extremely important, but the benefits of practicing in the presence of an instructor and other students are unmatched. The guidance of an instructor will help you to become aware of your breath and body, and his or her adjustments and cues are sometimes crucial for safe and effective application. The energy of a yoga studio is certainly unique and beautiful, and you may even meet a few yogi friends!

Eventually, the number of times you practice per week becomes something that your body decides for you. You’ll be able to listen to yourself to figure out whether you need to practice or not, which is a truly unbelievable thing.

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