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How Does Yoga on the Rope Wall Work?

Yoga | Yoga for Beginners

Originated by B.K.S. Iyengar, the Yoga Rope Wall can be considered the mother of all yoga props. Several of my students have questioned their ability to use it, but I encourage every practitioner to seek it out. Quite often, students approach me after class and ask about installing one in their own homes.

It can guide you to length, strength, alignment, and ease in the postures like nothing else.

History and Origin

For those unfamiliar with Iyengar Yoga, this style of practice has a strong focus on alignment. B.K.S. Iyengar is an author and yoga instructor. He was the originator of many props that are used in yoga studios today, including the Yoga Rope Wall.

The Yoga Rope Wall can help you find proper alignment in poses, and find the softness and steadiness that Patanjali speaks of in the Yoga Sutras.

Classes on the Rope Wall will differ from Vinyasa classes that are frequently seen in gyms, videos, and yoga studios across the U.S. today. Expect little to no flow, but gain a whole new perspective on some of your favorite poses.

Why You Should Try Rope Wall Yoga

Rope Wall yoga will help you find or perfect your alignment, length, and balance. You will be able to activate muscle groups in a new way, and appreciate the subtle nuances that may have gone unnoticed in the past.

It’s also a good way for students, who might be scared of trying some poses, to try balancing poses because the ropes and the wall offer security.

The same goes for inversions here. Those who are nervous about practicing inversions can use this tool to access a variety of inversion postures without putting any weight on their hands, arms, or heads. You can now experience these poses in a more physically safe and nurturing environment. Hooray!

Benefits of Rope Wall Yoga

Students who use the Yoga Rope Wall frequently report decreased tension in their spines. This is especially true for travelers, those with desk jobs, and those with a history of back problems.

I have students who tell me they’ve experienced a reduction of aches and pains, and some students who report a decrease in chiropractic care.

I hope this inspires you to expand your practice and give yoga props and tools a try so that you can find length and softness in your body, and experience poses in a new way. Seek out a practice on a Yoga Rope Wall as soon as you can if you want to try new ways of correcting your alignment.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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