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Giveaway – 3 x Silver Tulsi Leaf Necklace By Asha Patel (Worth $75)

Happiness | Lifestyle

Are you a yogi looking for jewelry pieces that are not only simple and elegant, but that can also represent something that you hold close to your heart? If so, you're going to love our giveaway this week!

Today we're giving away three (3) beautiful, sterling silver tulsi leaf necklaces by Atlanta-based jewelry designer Asha Patel. Here's how you can join:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Product Description

The tulsi leaf necklace is made of sterling silver and reflects the simple elegance of Asha Patel's designs. The tulsi plant, or holy basil, is considered sacred in Hindu belief, and is widely used in the ancient practice of Ayurveda for its healing properties.

Asha Patel is a pharmacist turned jewelry designer inspired by symmetry. Whether it’s the dichotomy of East and West, Yin and Yang or motherhood balanced with work life, it’s the perfect blend of parts combined to equal the whole.

Pieces from Asha Patel Designs are symbolic in nature, but modern in design. Patel’s talent lies in blending dueling materials like edgy leather wrap bracelets mixed with statement gems like labradorites and moonstones, sleek sterling necklaces with modernly cut numbers dangling to reflect mystical numerology, and ID tags with mindful Sanskrit sayings.

Asha and her jewelry designs are inspired by the simple mantra: just breathe. You can see more of Asha's designs and jewelry pieces here.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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