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How to Find ‘Yogi Time’ for Your Yogi Self (And Why It’s Important)

Yoga | Yoga for Beginners

We are all busy. It seems like there is always something that needs to be done — whether it's laundry, dishes, work emails, yard work, preparing meals or errands. Fitting a yoga practice in every day (even a short one) can be challenging.

Sometimes when we finally get to a point in the day when we can practice yoga, we are already mentally drained. This is why I can't stress enough the importance in finding yogi time for the yogi self.

What is 'Yogi Time'?

Yogi-time is a gift you give yourself. It is any moment in the day that you focus on your inner-being, your truth and your soul. Yogi-time doesn't have to involve asanas. Make a commitment to give yourself the space you need to breathe and grow.

Make yogi-time for your yogi self so that when you do practice yoga, you can practice it fully, without stressful-initiation and to its full benefit.

Five Suggestions for Practicing Yogi Time

1. Yoga on the mat…or not!

Fitting a yoga practice into your day would a great first option for most. Usually, it's number one in my book…but only if I have the time and mental energy. It really is okay to NOT practice yoga asana sometimes.

In my daily life, a yoga practice is not always the best option because either I'm not in the right frame of mind to reap the benefits, or I'm just too tired physically. It's okay to skip the asana practice, you're still a yogi!

2. Write in a journal

This is a great example of yogi-time because writing is a productive way to express mindful creativity. For many, it's also a way to reduce stress, and lay out all emotions and thoughts "on the table" so-to-speak.

Personally, writing is where I can best articulate my feelings and it's also where many of my great realizations originate!

3. Self-care

There are several ways to practice self-care. Eating healthy and taking care of your physical body is one. Physical self-adoration is another, including hot baths, massages, acupuncture, beauty-care or anything that feels good.

Self-educating is the third one in this category. Read a book, dive deeper into a hobby, or educate yourself on a topic you're interested in. Knowledge is fuel.

4. Meditate

Sometimes a short meditation is all you need to feel refreshed and renewed. You don't need a lot of mental energy to have a meditation session. Some of my most productive meditations are simply sitting in a comfortable, quiet place, listening to all sounds that surround me.

Focus on nothing, just sit in peace and know you are cleansing the mind.

5. Take a nature walk or hike

Being in nature feels wonderful, and it's vital for our survival. Take a walk (maybe barefoot?) in a nearby park, or plan a hike through the backcountry. If this isn't doable, you can always go to your local botanical gardens and admire the flora and fauna.

Even in the winter, there are so many options for finding small things to do outside that will help recondition your body and mind to our natural world.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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