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Can Yoga Heal A Broken Heart?

Lifestyle | Love

A break-up. Most of us have been here at some point in our lives and it hurts. It can leave one with a lot of self-doubt, anxiety and of course stress.

But what if there was a sacred place you could visit to help heal that broken heart?

The Answer Could Be As Simple As Your Yoga Mat

Whether you’ve been with your partner for one month or one year, a break-up is a tumultuous time and feelings can be raw. To deal with the unsettling situation your mind begins to try to make sense of it; so much so, you may even find yourself making excuses to help answer that massive WHY… “I’m not pretty/handsome enough,” or “I’m not thin enough,” or “I’m not successful enough”.

These are all forms of judgment to oneself and can be released in a yoga class.

Often we judge ourselves more harshly than anyone else–this is self-sabotage.~Vyda Bielkus

In yoga, we begin to notice our thoughts. These thoughts become words, words become behaviors, behaviors become habits and habits become values. In yoga, we choose to appreciate non-judgment. The first tenant of yoga is to do no harm. Passing judgment is harmful because that energy of criticism lives in you and affects you.

Another important lesson we can learn from yoga after a break-up is how to let go, offering freedom instead of pain. Often times, people can’t move towards letting go because they believe that their power is in question, that if they let go, they will be seen as weak and powerless.

It’s quite the opposite, actually. Letting go brings the power back to your court, which is extremely valuable to help mend a broken heart. You can choose to react from balance and the present moment, rather than from reactivity and the past.

The most magnificent thing when you start letting go is that you find it is actually far easier to do then holding on to the need to control. Why not use this energy towards other things like having fun and moving forward?

4 Steps To Heal A Broken Heart With Yoga

Help the heart mend old wounds and heal with this simple meditation:

  1. Sit in easy cross-legged position spine tall.
  2. Bring your hands to Lotus Mudra in front of the heart center. In Lotus Mudra the base of the palms, pinkies, and thumbs touch. The remaining fingers spread open, like a lotus flower.
  3. Bring focus to the tip of the nose or to the center space between your hands.
  4. You could play a healing mantra while you meditate. One of my favorites is Gurunam Singh’s “Guru Ram Das” from his album Crimson Sadhana.

Suffering a broken heart is never easy but you must remember the heart is exponential. Yoga is a practice that can help you through a change by bringing attention to the growth as opposed to the contraction of the soul.

“Heart and soul” walk hand-in-hand, always. Plus, the sense of community, joining like-minded and positive people may just be the answer you need to help you heal.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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