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Business Suits and Yoga: An Unexpected Couple

Yoga | Yoga for Beginners

An atmosphere of stress and anxiety is all around us, and tense working conditions and the overwhelming competition on the market often make them unbearable. The level of mental effort required to keep your head above water can put even those with nerves of steel on the edge.

Maybe everything in the garden is rosy at the moment, but how much longer will you be able to continue in the same crazy rhythm?

A Yoga Break

Yoga has been long forgotten in the modern world, but when prominent businessmen started taking notice and discovering its untapped potential, it soon became a trend. Big corporations like Google, Apple, Nike, and HBO have already introduced yoga practices into their programs to increase the productivity of their workers.

Others are following in their footsteps and utilizing yoga to solve major disagreements and conflicts inside their respective companies. The reason behind this movement is the fact we are all familiar with: yoga embodies a philosophy of living together in cohesion and peace and encourages teamwork, which is so exceptionally vital for the success of any business endeavor.

Some of the most accomplished businessmen also use the benefits of yoga to give their careers a boost. Today, we can see both businessmen and businesswomen in suits doing team meditation surrounded by trees and greenery. This calm and intimate activity is perfect for relaxed bonding with your colleagues and bosses.

Many others prefer an office version of yoga. Office yogis claim that this practice, unlike cocktails and wild nights in bars, brought a honed edge to their business ventures.

Others like to do early-morning yoga in their homes — yes, it means getting up a bit earlier, but it can do wonders for your energy levels.

What’s the Catch?

There in fact is none, except for the well-known one that yoga dramatically improves mental health. It lowers stress levels which are omnipresent in the fast-paced business world of today. Every work day can be a wild, emotional roller coaster, and peace of mind remains a distant dream for many. Others, however, choose to take advantage of a breathing exercise called Pranayama that has been used since ancient times to calm and focus the mind.

Practicing yoga for just twenty minutes at a time is enough to increase cognitive functions, focus, and memory. This enables workers to achieve clarity of mind and take their problem-solving skills to the next level. They are prepared to make tough and quick decisions, or engage in strategic planning more efficiently.

So, take a break, extinguish your cigarette, and close your eyes for a few moments. Already feeling the tension relieving and your mood elevating? Now imagine what half an hour of yoga can do for you.

Try it for Yourself

Do yourself a favor and check out yoga courses in your neighborhood or seek them online.

Keep in mind that yoga has deep roots in philosophy and self-reflecting. It is an attitude towards life, a way of living. Train your muscles and mind, and show up to work with a smile on your face. This is a rare privilege for those determined to tidy up their mental house and take charge of their lives.

While you are working on your mental health, don’t forget about your body — you need to start fueling it with healthier snacks than before. Depending on your chosen career, you may have very little to no time for lunch, or your office may be located in the middle of fast food heaven.

Before reaching for the cheeseburger, try to make yourself something that will not clog your arteries. Here are a few ideas you might want to try. I promise they taste better than your average Big Mac.

Let the Spirit Move You

People all around the world are using thousand-year-old traditions to tackle the challenges and trials of modern living. With a daily yoga routine, you will also be able to respond to business challenges with tranquility and rationality that will surprise even your bosses.

Inner calm might just be your road to not only a healthier, but a more successful life, too.

After all, attaining material happiness is an illusion — you always crave more and never end up satisfied. Internal peace is just a few breaths away, and mental health is the only real wealth.

Go ahead and unlock the tremendous potential hidden inside your mind and body and mobilize every bit of your mental energy.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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