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On Learning to Appreciate Autumnal Equinox Blessings

Yoga | Yoga for Beginners

The rhythms of nature remind us that the only constant in life is change.

Even though we may like to hold on to summer — days full of light, sunshine, and warmth — we have no choice but to let go and accept what is.

When we welcome the change of the season, we are better able to understand how tuned in we are to the natural rhythms of life. After enjoying the autumnal equinox hours of day-and-night-time in perfect balance, the days will grow shorter and give way for more darkness.

The mornings already feel cooler, dew-drops are sparkling in the blades of grass, and many of us will soon head to work in the dark morning hours and return home after the sun has already set.

Transitioning From Summer to Fall

As we shift seasons, we bid farewell to summer, maybe feeling sadness for the loss of this particular summer, but striding confidently onward on our path, welcoming a new phase of our life — a new season, new experiences and opportunities, knowing we are in the flow of life.

As we align ourselves with the changes in nature, and gather our harvest, we give gratitude and appreciation to the fruit of our dreams that we planted earlier this year. We also look closely at any of our harvest that has grown into weeds or has not sprouted the way we intended. As we take inventory, we don’t judge but just try to notice.

Autumn Lessons on Letting Go

This time of the year invites us to reflect on letting go of what no longer serves us and become clear on what is really important to us…and make that a priority.

It may be something big or small: a relationship, personal practice, yoga, meditation, reading, knitting, going for a morning walk or evening stroll. Autumn is a time to remind us that our life is NOW. There is no need to wait to start living at a future date, but right NOW.

Make yourself a priority, give yourself time to do what is important to you NOW and enjoy.~Tanja Alexandra Kern

As the days get shorter and the nights are longer, nature asks us to slow down, and to look and go within. This is the perfect time to give ourselves a chance to connect to our inner love, harmony and strength. It’s the time to nourish and rekindle our inner light which will illuminate our path through the dark hours of fall and winter.

How are you welcoming the change of seasons?

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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