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Are You Lucky?

Happiness | Lifestyle

Often people throw around the term “luck” like it’s magic. They say: I’m lucky. I’m unlucky. I have bad luck. I have good luck. I have no luck. However, there is no such thing as good or bad luck. Luck does NOT exist. What you call luck is just a lack of understanding and memory of cause and effect.

Let’s say you hit your head the day before payday and get amnesia. Then you go to the bank and see that there was a deposit in your account that day. You say, “I’m lucky someone put money in my account.” You don’t remember working all month to earn that money; you call it luck. Then the next day you go back to your bank and see that money has been taken out of your account. You say, “I’m unlucky, money has been taken out of my account and I don’t know why.” You don’t remember incurring the debts. This is what we do when we use the words lucky and unlucky. We don’t remember what we did in past lives, or even understand what we did in this life to bring about these consequences. Luck is just a lack of understanding and memory of cause and effect. There is no such thing as luck. You have earned everything!

You are born with particular samskaras (tendencies) imprinted on the subconscious by experiences in past lives, and the present life. These impressions determine and condition your desires and actions in this life. This is your karma.

Saying you have luck, good or bad, is the victim mentality. This is similar to saying things “happen to you.” Nothing happens to you. You earn it through your thoughts, words, and actions. You create your world by your attitude and actions. If you have the attitude that “bad” things happen to you. You will seek them out. Your consciousness vibrates at a frequency that attracts what you are thinking and believing. If you view your experiences as negative, you will make decisions and take actions that reflect this outlook. When these “bad” things happen they will confirm what you already thought and you will continue to perpetuate this mentality.

Imagine that you are a sales clerk in a store. Your attitude is positive; you see people as nice. When people walk into your store you greet them with a smile and genuinely ask how they are. When customers ask for assistance you try your best to make them happy. Your experience with customers is generally positive. You maintain your disposition even when customers are rude. You have a positive day and even the occasional difficult customer doesn’t change your attitude because you understand this isn’t happening to you since this is not about you.

Contrast that with someone that has a negative attitude. When people walk in the store they greet them, but this is out of obligation. If a customer asks for assistance they do it, but are not joyful. The clerk tries to do the minimum to help customers. The customers may or may not consciously notice the energy the sales clerk is putting out there, but the customers tend to react, getting more demanding and angrier than the customers of the other clerk. The day goes by slow and is miserable because of all the “difficult” customers. The clerk says to the other sales clerk, “I always get the difficult customers. Why does this always happen to me?” This is the victim mentality.

Instead of seeing yourself as a victim, you can rid yourself of past karma and work on reducing future karma through understanding the samskaras in your life. Your life is a compilation of patterns based on past habitual impressions. Becoming aware of a pattern means that you see its cause and effect in your life. As you bring to consciousness these unconscious tendencies it is easier to adjust your thoughts, words, and actions.

You can’t control the behavior of others, but your reactions and actions will dictate your path. Understand that the way you treat people is a reflection of how you feel about yourself. When someone is rude, angry, difficult, etc. this is the experience they are having with themselves manifested outwardly. Have compassion for their suffering. It is not personal against you. Whatever someone does is about them, not you. How you react is about you. Your reaction will dictate the quality of your life. Live free from attachment to the will of your environment and others. Take responsibility for your “luck.”

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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