Credit: Emily Polar
Amy is a yoga teacher, writer, cyclist, and philanthropist. She is known for her innovative methods to bridge the gap between ancient yoga wisdom and modern day life, helping yoga students “turn up their own volume.”
She is also a pioneer for advanced yoga education serving both students as well as fellow yoga teachers. She co-founded 90Monkeys, an online professional development school that has enhanced the skills of yoga teachers and studios in 43 countries around the globe.
She has graced the covers of Yoga Journal and Fit Yoga Magazine and has been featured in Yoga International, Self, Origin Magazine, New York Magazine, Yogini Magazine (Japan), Allure (Korea), Elephant Journal,, MindBodyGreen and many more. Amy is a faculty member at the Omega Institute, Esalen and Kripalu.
A regular presenter at the Yoga Journal Conferences, Asia Yoga Conference, Omega Institute Conference, Wanderlust Festivals, and The Hanuman Festival, Amy represents prAna clothing, ToeSox and Boardworks Surf as a yoga ambassador.
Since the age of 14 Amy has been a champion of all forms of eco-consciousness, animal conservation and more recent forays into marine conservation.
Name: Amy Ippoliti
Occupation: Yoga Teacher, Author, Co-Founder, 90 Monkeys
Location: Boulder, CO
Favorite yoga style: Alignment Based Yoga Vinyasa Yoga
Favorite yoga pose: Pinchamayurasana (Forearm Stand) and all its variations
Yoga is… The process of discovering who we are and how we want to give back to the world
What Do You Love Most About Yoga?
The mystery of yoga has always intrigued me, from a very young age because it’s the mystery of ourselves unfolding. It’s getting to know who we are. We are so much deeper and more vast than we realize, and yoga helps us tap into that expanse.
How Has Yoga Changed Your Life, Personality And Physique?
Yoga has allowed me to be more genuine, real and authentic. It’s increased my awareness, it has humbled me and it’s helped me make more ethical, conscious choices in life. Physique-wise, it has toned my muscles and kept my joints limber. Plus, I think my skin and circulation have benefitted from yoga too! People always think I’m 15 years younger than I really am. It’s hilarious!
What Everyday Thing Did You Get Better At Because Of Yoga?
Being alone with nothing to do. I never could stand this until I meditated for 7 days straight on a silent meditation retreat. It was meditation, a part of yoga…not yoga itself, but that helped.
How Do You Keep Your Yoga Practice Interesting And Challenging?
Practicing with others is the best way to keep it interesting and challenging. I used to have a regular weekly practice with local teachers in the area, and we really egged each other on. I hope to rekindle that again, but for now, believe it or not, Instagram accounts by yogis are quite inspiring. But most of all, practicing alongside my colleagues on YogaGlo keeps it alive for me in the best of ways!
What Book, Website Or Person Inspires You?
Right now I am reading a book recommended by someone who left a comment on one of my posts. It is called “Eating on the Wild Side” which shares the truth and history of the produce we eat today and how to get the most nutrition out of what’s available in the markets and in your kitchen. I have been so inspired by it, I implemented some of the ideas after reading less than half of the first chapter!
What Do You Listen To While You Do Yoga?
My breath, if there is no music. And if I use music, it really depends on my mood! It could be 80’s pop one day, chanting music the next, or alternative hits after that. You never know!
What’s The Best Advice You’ve Ever Received?
You become the company you keep, so keep great company!
Facebook: Amy Ippoliti
Twitter: @Amy_Ippoliti
Instagram: amyippoliti
Other links: 90Monkeys