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A New (Sexy) Weekly Column – Welcome To “Yoga & Sex”

Lifestyle | Love

Welcome to my new column on Yoga & Sex! I am here to talk and share with you all just how fabulously complimentary these two subjects are!

I bet a lot of people opened this link expecting to read something kinky and cheeky and all about tantric yoga or the kama sutra. To a certain extent, those people would be right, and some parts that we will cover in this column will touch upon those more taboo topics. But it’s important to realize that the subject of yoga and sex is not all about it being bendy acro-yoga based, crazy ass, bedroom antic guides!

Yoga & Sex is not all about dressing up as a Moulin Rouge dancer or Naked Butler for your other half. It is also about empowerment, building self-confidence and self-assurance, and creating both a body and mind that stands strong to the test of anything that is thrown its way.

Having the confidence to feel empowered, to ask for what you want, to give, and to receive what will make you happy in life — in the bedroom, and beyond.

Yoga As Union & Its Many Benefits

Yoga is all about the mind and body connection. Sex is one of the greatest mind and body experiences, so it makes perfect sense that the two can work wonders together. Yoga is designed to relieve stress and improve flexibility, increase blood flow and open your mind. It also teaches us to live in the moment and live our lives one breath at a time. All of these points can also heighten your sex life.

Yoga encourages the flow of positive energy, heightens your body awareness, reduces stress and improves your mood. It stretches and strengthens your mind, body and spirit. Yoga is both invigorating and calming. Practicing yoga requires you to tune into how your body feels in that moment. It inspires awareness of all that is around you, and introduces a fabulous sense of confidence in your body and your own personal mental and physical strength.

Yoga also boosts libido and the ability to orgasm…but more on that later.

When I write about sex, I am talking about passionate, healthy sex — sex that is full of love, desire, respect and intimacy. Sex is well known to reduce stress and boost our immunity, while orgasms are believed to raise your oxytocin levels – the “love hormone.”

This hormone is known to lower your blood pressure, boost immunity and fuel positive social interactions. Sex also allows us to take time out of our often-busy schedules to connect and strengthen the emotional bond with our partner. When you take time to intimately express the love you have for each other, you also tune into the love that you have for yourself.

That, in turn, inspires you to see and feel all the love that the world has to offer, and the love you have to give back.

How Does Yoga Help Our Sex Lives?

This is a huge topic, so let’s start with the basics.

So we already know that yoga can give you greater flexibility, better muscle tone, a surefire way to release stress, and maybe even for some of us – enlightenment.

Yoga offers a myriad of physical and emotional benefits that add up to more fun between the sheets and a more fulfilling, meaningful sexual relationship with your partner. A sprinkling of these benefits are shown below, and we will explore more as each week passes:

1. Sensuality

Yoga helps you to develop an awareness of your body. Learning to feel the weight rolling onto the outside edge of your straight leg in Extended Side Angle pose so that you feel the stretch through the entire length of your body, for example, teaches you to savor every single sensation in your body – including the really delicious ones that happen during sex.

It also helps keep you rooted in your body and out of your head, where your crazy, wild, busy, swirling thoughts can keep you from enjoying the experience of the present moment, whether it is in your yoga practice, or between the sheets.

2. Confidence

Calming the mind and focusing on your breath during yoga helps you to become more aware of yourself and your needs. Know exactly what you want and you will become instantly satisfied both sexually, and psychologically. Not to mention that feeling super fit and energized is an undeniable turn-on, both for you and your partner!

3. Energy

How many of us are guilty of feeling the stirrings of arousal but were so tired that you opted for sleep instead? Yoga, without fail, increases your energy levels and helps you to feel alive and ready to get out there and live a little. How many people do you see leaving the yoga studio positively glowing from the inside out after their practice? You see…

4. Intimacy

The effects of yoga go far beyond just the physical benefits. Yoga allows us to become more comfortable in vulnerable positions, whether it is a crazy arm balance or inversion, or an intimate moment off the mat with our partners.

5. Better Orgasms

On a purely physical level, so many of the fabulous yoga poses we practice on a daily basis actually increase the blood flow to the pelvis. An all important and crucial aspect of yoga involves engaging and drawing up the muscles of the pelvic floor (the mula bandha), which strengthens the muscles that play an integral role in our fabulous orgasms!

6. Increased ability to be present

Where our awareness goes, our energy follows. Being able to direct your energy is key. Being able to let go of conversations from the day, and worries about tomorrow is powerful and beautiful. Quieting your mind and connecting with your partner leaves the space for something beautiful to unfold. You can feed that space with playfulness or passion.

Yoga opens us up to the possibility of being truly known, seen and cherished. Being yourself and being seen, understood, accepted, and loved, feels amazing.

The benefits of yoga and sex are endless

Like yoga, the more you commit to your practice, and trust it and learn to let go, it will transform you. The little parts of you that get in your way; your defenses, your ego and monkey mind, can all be dissolved through a single powerful yoga session. Or an hour of mind-blowing sex.

If there is anything in particular that you are keen to find out more about then please leave me a note below and I promise to do my best to help you out.

Sharing the love, it’s what yoga is all about.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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