Yoga Is For Everybody? Not Quite...

This 2-minute quiz shows you if yoga is for you. Or what you should do instead.

A Beautiful Blending of Yoga, Poetry, and Chanting (VIDEO)

Happiness | Lifestyle

Need inspiration for a soothing Sunday practice? Check out this beautiful video by yogini Sarah Richelle Starnes, which shows a calming fusion of yoga, poetry, and chanting.

Yoga demo videos tend to focus on the technical—alignment, geometry, and asana—so it’s always refreshing to see videos like this that venture into the creative side, with movement and asana as poetry in motion. Watch the vid above and let us know what you think!

Video credit: Sarah Starnes

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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