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9 Incredibly Empowering Photos of Yogini Breastfeeding While On The Mat

Happiness | Lifestyle

We already know that yoga has so many benefits from mental to physical health. But did you know that yoga is also good for breastfeeding moms?

Aside from strengthening weakened muscles caused by breastfeeding, it also relaxes your mind and helps you cope with postpartum depression. Most importantly, it promotes a unique bond with your little angel!

Check out these 9 inspiring photos from the fierce and incredible Carlee Benear, who recently made headlines as the yogini breastfeeding while doing yoga poses. Very important: Do NOT try and replicate these photos if you have a lot of trouble finding stability in your asanas.

1. Side Crow Pose


A photo posted by Carlee Benear (@carleebyoga) on


2. Eka Pada Sirsasana / Foot-Behind-the-Head Pose



A photo posted by Carlee Benear (@carleebyoga) on


3. Compass Pose


A photo posted by Carlee Benear (@carleebyoga) on


4. Anjaneyasana / Low Lunge Variation



A photo posted by Carlee Benear (@carleebyoga) on


5. Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose


A photo posted by Carlee Benear (@carleebyoga) on


6. Bow Pose



A photo posted by Carlee Benear (@carleebyoga) on


7. One-Legged King Pigeon


A photo posted by Carlee Benear (@carleebyoga) on


8. Eight-Angle Pose



A photo posted by Carlee Benear (@carleebyoga) on


9. Natarajasana / Dancer Pose


A photo posted by Carlee Benear (@carleebyoga) on


If you want to try practicing poses with your baby, you’ll have to adjust and try variations to make sure that your and the baby’s safety come first. Remember: always, always love your body and nourish your baby, and follow Carlee on Instagram for more yoga momma inspiration!

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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