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5 Unhealthy Eating Habits You Must Change Now

Healing | Health

Our modern, fast-paced world, with all its technological advancements, has allowed us to live more comfortable lives. However, this kind of lifestyle has widely prompted poor eating habits. It’s as if people no longer have time to prepare food on their own and just choose to eat fast food.

When you think about the daily routine of most people, what with the morning rush and very short breaks in the office, it isn’t hard to imagine how poor eating habits develop easily. In response, many make it a goal to lose weight, eat healthier, and live a more active lifestyle.

Still, very few can stick to the steps needed to achieve these goals. If you’re one of those people struggling to improve your health through diet, then avoiding these five unhealthy eating habits can help you get back on track into achieving your fitness goals.

1. Skipping Breakfast

Countless studies have shown that eating breakfast offers a lot of health benefits. A well-balanced breakfast provides the body with the energy it needs to get through your daily activities and helps you consume fewer calories later in the day.

One study by the University of Texas, El Paso showed that the human body works more efficiently following a healthy breakfast. The same research also showed that consuming calories during the start of the day fills you up more compared to the same amount of calories consumed later.

This has a significant impact in maintaining your energy level and reaching your weight loss targets.

2. Drinking During Meals

Drinking during meals is very common that people tend to ignore the fact that it has negative effects on their health. Many people think that drinking water while eating helps them “wash down” their food. However, drinking too much water actually dilutes the digestive acids in your stomach.

Experts suggest waiting for at least 30 minutes before drinking water or any other beverage. A simple trick to avoid this is to drink water before meals. This helps you avoid getting thirsty while eating. Drinking before meals also makes you feel fuller, so you eat less and consume fewer calories.

3. Eating Close to Bedtime

Some people think that time doesn’t matter when it comes to eating.

As long as you’re eating the recommended number of calories and meeting your daily nutritional requirements, you’re fine, right? Well, apparently not. Fitness and nutrition experts associate eating late at night with weight gain. They advise that you do not eat anything 2 to 3 hours before bedtime.

Certain foods can also have a negative effect on your body and sleeping pattern, especially when consumed before going to bed. Fatty or spicy foods, caffeine, or just eating a lot of food before bedtime can interfere with your body’s natural rhythm, leading to insufficient sleep and rest.

4. Skipping Meals

85 percent of the working population in the whole world works away from home. This can lead to poor decision making when it comes to eating. Many people rush through their mornings, skipping breakfast at home, and later buying an unhealthy snack at a food store nearby.

It is also rare for people to pack their lunch, so it’s another trip to the fast food restaurant at the middle of the day. After work, they often drop by the diner for a takeout so they don’t need to prepare their meal at home.

This is what many workers do, and as you might imagine, it can become an unhealthy habit in no time. This can be avoided by simply packing a healthy, filling lunch.

Having a well-balanced, mid-day meal keeps your energy level high and helps you make better decisions, not only at work but also in terms of food choices later in the day. It’s also best to prepare your breakfast and dinner as well, instead of opting for the unhealthy options found in most food stores.

5. Emotional Eating

Emotional eating is one of the most dangerous eating habits, and this is not an exaggeration. Several studies show that 80 percent of all diseases originate from the gut and digestive tract. Unhealthy eating habits and poor food choices can lead to your digestive tract not working properly.

We humans are emotional in nature. In most cases, you may not even realize that you’re eating for emotional reasons. A good habit is to ask yourself some questions whenever you’re eating anything, especially when you do so outside your normal meals.

Why am I eating even if I’m not hungry? Should I just drink a glass of water until my next meal? Can I put down my food and just reflect on my emotional state for 5 minutes?

These are just some questions that can help you determine whether you’re eating because of hunger or for emotional reasons. By avoiding emotional eating, you can make better food choices and live an overall healthier lifestyle.


It will take time and consistency to develop new food consumption habits, but it is worth the effort in the long term to produce a healthier, more energetic and happier you.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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