Let's face it, who amongst us likes to get up at the crack of dawn, NOBODY!
Getting up before the sun, squeezing your thighs into a pair of Lulus, and heading to the mat is not everyone's idea of the perfect start to the day. I have always been a fan of the Ashtanga Vinyasa practice but struggled with the 5am starts to get myself to the studio to practice.
After biting the bullet and starting a dedicated early morning practice I have a few tricks of the trade to share to help you get your ass out of bed.
1. It's All About Organization
The key to the whole operation is organization. Not being able to find a clean pair of undies can sabotage your efforts to get to class because at the crack of dawn you don't need much persuasion to head back to bed.
Look out all that you need for class the night before, clothing, money, keys, shower equipment and work clothes, THE LOT! Anything you think you need for the day ahead, pack it.
Get up early enough so you are not rushed! The last thing you need at this time in the morning is to feel rushed, stressed and under pressure. Give yourself a plenty of time to wake up and get ready which leads me perfectly into the next tip, factor in toilet time.
We all have our preferred time to go for a poo and getting up earlier than usual can disrupt this. I have heard many a student say that they missed class due to not being able to go the bathroom or that they were too late leaving the house because they were occupied in the toilet. It's not a huge one but keep this in mind.
2. Wake Up With a Shower
If you have been a good little yogi and organized yourself, your yoga clothes should be waiting for you in the bathroom. I highly recommend having a shower before you head to the studio.
It might sound a little counter productive showering before you get sweaty, it does have a few advantages. One, it will wake you up and two, it's hygienic and your teacher will love you for it.
3. Get Some Sustenance
Now, it is not the best idea to eat before jumping on the mat but some of us mere mortals need a little something to help us on our way. Some yogis favor a quick coffee to help something else on the way if you catch my drift, but I personally like a juice or a coconut water.
Have your choice of beverage ready and waiting for you to pick up and drink as you head out the door.
4. Strength in Numbers
Rope in a friend, nothing gets you to class better than guilt! If you can get a yoga buddy to join you on your early morning forays to the yoga studio, do so. Knowing that you are meeting a friend to practice together is one of the best incentives and nobody likes to leave a friend hanging.
5. Love the Practice
During the depths of winter when it's dark, snowing and blowing a gale, what really possesses you to go to yoga? The love of the practice.
I adore my Mysore practice and would climb a mountain, jump over burning coals and push an old lady out the way to get to my class. This wasn't always so. It took time to find a practice I loved and to commit to the early morning but it really is worth it and this comes from a very unenthusiastic morning person.
If it's possible, sign up for a trial month of morning classes and commit. If you make it through the entire month I guarantee you will be hooked! What gets YOU up and going for a morning yoga sesh?